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“System XYZ 5.0 – Increments 1 &


Project Charter



Version #: 1.1 Issue Date: 10/2/2006

Company. Company Fund Services Page 2 of 11

Printed on: December 3, 2007

Project Charter Purpose

This Project Charter outlines the purpose, objectives, and scope of the project.

The purpose of a Project Charter is:

· To provide an understanding of the project, the reason it is being conducted, and its justification;


· To establish the general scope early on in the project.

o The business needs of the project

o The proposed solution:

§ Major deliverables

§ Timeline

§ Resource requirements

The objective of a Project Charter is:

· To formally authorize a project; and

· Ensure that all the parties involved (business, project, external partners) have a common

understanding about the business issues and proposed solution to ameliorate these issues.

The scope of a Project Charter is:

· The business need that the project was undertaken to address; and

· The proposed solution with high-level requirements to achieve it.

The Project Charter is prepared by:

1. The project sponsor

2. The assigned project manager

It is reviewed and approved by the Project Steering Committee.

Document Information and Revision History

Version Date Author(s) Revision Notes

1.0 10/2/2006 Michael Ahrens New

1.1 10/5/2006 Michael Ahrens Added comments from Rob Hill



Version #: 1.1 Issue Date: 10/2/2006

Company. Company Fund Services Page 3 of 11

Printed on: December 3, 2007

Table Of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................................4

1.1. OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT ...................................................................................................................................4

2. PROJECT OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE............................................................................................................................4

2.1. OBJECTIVE ..................................................................................................................................................................4

2.2. SCOPE..........................................................................................................................................................................5

2.3. MAJOR DELIVERABLES.............................................................................................................................................8

2.4. TIMELINE....................................................................................................................................................................9

2.5. BUSINESS NEED OR OPPORTUNITY...................................................................................................................... 10

2.6. FINANCIAL BENEFITS OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................................................... 10



Version #: 1.1 Issue Date: 10/2/2006

Company. Company Fund Services Page 4 of 11

Printed on: December 3, 2007

1. Introduction

1.1. Overview of the Project

The objective of the project is to re-engineer the back office related Java processes and Delphi application of

System XYZ 3.4.2 using J2EE based architecture that will give scalability, stability, information reliability,

traceability, functional extensibility and other benefits described in Objectives section (1.1).

For the re-engineering, business analysts will assimilate requirements and will extract business logic from

the reverse-engineering documents prepared by the technical team, and complete the User Requirements

Documents (URDs). The technical team will develop a high level design and a detailed design based on the

approved requirements followed by construction, QA, UAT and deployment.

The scope of work covered in the September 25, 2006 SOW will be delivered in 2 increments, and hence

these streams of work will be referred as Increment 1 and 2. High level scope coverage of these increments is

given below:

· Increment 1: Re-engineering of APost related processes of System XYZ 3.4.2 and some enhancements

· Increment 2: Re-engineering of Account Manager application and related processes of System XYZ

3.4.2 and some enhancements

2. Project Objective and Scope

2.1. Objective

The objectives of the A5 – Increment 1 project are detailed below:

· Re-engineer the JPost related Java processes and Account manager Delphi application of System XYZ

3.4.2 system using latest technologies with a proven track record and aligned to the technologies

identified for A5.

· Re-engineered system will have to be 100% functionally compatible with existing JPost/Account

Manager. Exceptions to this need to be approved by CFS.

· Re-engineered system will have to provide a functionally extensible and scalable design, transaction

traceability, performance throughput better than the existing system, and one that is easily configurable

and maintainable.

· Re-engineered system will have to be multi-client aware. This means that the same server based process

would be able to handle requests from multiple clients.



Version #: 1.1 Issue Date: 10/2/2006

Company. Company Fund Services Page 5 of 11

Printed on: December 3, 2007

2.2. Scope

The scope of work covered in the September 25th, 2006 SOW falls in 2 major lines of work as given below.

These will be delivered in 2 increments.

· Increment 1: Re-engineering of APost related processes of System XYZ 3.4.2 and some enhancements

· Increment 2: Re-engineering of Account Manager application and related processes of System XYZ

3.4.2 and some enhancements

The detailed scope is as follows:

Increment 1 In-Scope

1. Re-engineer the current posting system using J2EE framework in WebSphere Application Server

(WAS) environment. All posting will continue to use the current databases. The existing database


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