Ejemplo Como Descargar Un Ensayo
Enviado por jhoyos0629 • 9 de Octubre de 2014 • 273 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 279 Visitas
Orion packs its line of fruits and vegetables throughout the United States and even imports some of its product line from regions outside the United States such as South America and Canada. In the estern United States, as show in Figure !, Orion has regional distribution centers at Freno, California, an Burns, Oregon. Form these master warehouse, field, or local, warehouses are supplied that in turn ship to their immediate retaul areas. There are seven of thse field waehouses located at (1) Los Angesles, California: (2) Phoenix, Arizona; (3) Salt Lake City, Utah; (4) San Fransico; California; (5) Portland, Oregon; (6) Butte, Montana; and (7) Seattle, Washington. Currentlt, the Brns regional distribution center serves Portlada, Swarrle, and Butte, Montana, field warehouses. The Fresno distribution centersupplies the remainifn field warehouses. The capacities for the regional distribution centers are 50,000 cwt of inventory for Fresno and 15.000 cwt of inventory for Burns. Each has a turnover ratio of 8. The field warehouses have average annual throughput volumes as given in Table 1. Additional locational daa are given in Appendix A.
Orion contracts with trucking companies to move its products between regional an field warehouses. Ts contact reads that it will pay its carriers $1.30 per mile for truckload quantities that average 30,000 lb., the typical shipment size. Anita head that her predecessor haf left the choice of the specific routes to travel to the individual carriers, assuming that they were in a better position to determine the best ones, even though Orion had the option of specifying the roads to use. However, she did not know whicj routes were currently being used by carriers