Glossary Stage 3 and 4. The most common commands used in Karel the Robot
Enviado por kyu21 • 17 de Noviembre de 2014 • 336 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 348 Visitas
Glossary Stage 3 and 4
1. -The most common commands used in Karel the Robot:
• Command Move.
• Command Turnleft.
• Command Putbeeper.
• Command Pickbeeper.
• Command Turnoff.
2. -Command Move: Is used to make advance the Robot Karel one street or avenue in the direction in which Karel is oriented.
3. -Command Turnleft: Make that the Robot turns 90 degrees to its left.
4. -Command Putbeeper: Is used to order Karel that leave a beeper in the corner where it is standing, but we have to assure that Karel has, at least one beeper in its bag of beepers.
5. -Command Pickbeeper:Is used to order Karel that pick up a beeper from the corner where it is standing.
6. -Command Turnoff: Is used to order to Karel that stops performing any task that has been assigned on the previous statements, it is the end of the execution of the program.
7. - Control Statements: There are special commands that optimize some process of Karel the Robot.
8.-these commands are:
• Iterate
• If
• If/else
• While
9. -Iterate: This statement is used to order Karel to repeat one or more times the statements or commands that we write between the curly-braces {}.
10. -If: It is a conditional control statement in order that Karel evaluates a condition, with the help of its sensors.
11. -If/Else: It is a double or compound conditional control statement. Here the Robot evaluates a condition with the help of its sensors.
12. -While: This is a repetition control statement. When Karel reaches to the line where we write this statement (while), it evaluates the “condition” that we wrote inside the parenthesis that is at the right of this statement: while (condition).
13. - Module or function: It is a block or group of statements enclosed or delimited between a pair of the symbols of curly-braces { }.
14.-Characteristic of a module or function: Is to solve a simple and specific task.
15.-Parameter: Is to place a variable inside the parenthesis in order to perform the task as many times as the value of the variable is inside the program. It uses the control statement iterate.