- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Operaciones Comerciales Internacionales.

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Universidad Tecnológica de Durango

Operaciones Comerciales Internacionales

Bilingual International Sustainable

Effective negotiation techniques

Miss. Ingrid Berumen Reyes

Student. Jesús Alexis Rodríguez Paniagua.

Barriers To Negotiation l


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Barriers To Negotiation (MEZCAL)

Many foreign companies never do start business in Japan (or only enter the Japanese market through a distributor) simply because of the misconception, fueled by those infamous myths of doing business in Japan, that dealing with Japanese business culture is somehow too risky. Fortunately, Japanese business culture is not an impenetrable barrier to successful business in Japan, as proven by the very substantial Japanese market share enjoyed by Yahoo!, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Tiffany & Co. and many others.

Durango, DGO / 2016 Mezcal-618

Date today, we´re searching an exportation to Japan of our product and that way increase our business in the japanese market. The Mezcal  618 100% of agave, elaborated in Nombre de Dios, Durango, Mexico, made by the  Mezcal production plant with the highest quality in each of its processes to ensure a prestigious drink.

for our achievement and exportation to a new country there barriers about the myths that exist to make business in japan, culture in the country, traditions and the human consumption of the product.

Done this and done an market study, we need to hire a freight to  that country, we send one of our best expert and researcher Lucia Gamiz degree in foreign relations to Manzanillo port in Colima, one of the most important international ports in Mexico.

Miss Gamiz arrived to the meeting with the japaneses and with our customs agent (previously engaged), but coming to the meeting she realized that she didn´t carrying with herself important documents for the hiring of freight and export of our mezcal, It was a fatal waste of time and money for our customers and for our agent, it was impossible to make such exports to our country buyer, increased the lack of trust by the japaneses to our company.

the merchandise was paid for and we had a commitment to export, so we hired a safer freight to get the merchandise to Japan, the product was acquired rapidly and consequently grew and demand on our Japanese buyers purchase again our MEZCAL

Inevitably Japanese business culture is different to that of the US or Europe, but the differences do not make it any more risky to do business in Japan than elsewhere in the world. In fact, certain aspects of Japan's business culture, especially the very stable long-term relationships resulting from the conservative Japanese sense of loyalty to trusted partners, can be very beneficial for those foreign companies that understand how to swim with the cultural tide as opposed to vainly struggling against it.


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