Paso a paso de word
Enviado por eeiefj • 23 de Septiembre de 2015 • Tarea • 312 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 118 Visitas
Text effect is located in the Font group
This command can be used to give a better presentation to a word or phrases.
1. Select the text box or the text inside it, who want to apply an effect.
2. Find the tab home and font group
3. The letter A with effect blue around, clicking on the arrow effects a menu with 20 pre-designed formats including shadows, reflections, letters edged with a different color in the background, and other effects will display. If you do not like any of them, you can use the options just below to create a custom effect.
4. After you choose the effect the selected text will changed with that effect. To remove an applied effect, you must choose the Delete text effects.
This tool in Word 2013 can help me a lot with my performances in my various classes. And even in my career I will not use this program a lot, I can still use it to make better styling to folders instructions, ads, and also teach my sister how to use it.
Check spelling is on the Proofing group
This is used to check spell the document
1. On the Review tab, click the Spelling & Grammar command. It can also be activated with the F7 key.
2. If you have any spelling or grammatical error, a panel to the right of the window will open indicating the error and the different options you have to change it or if they leave the word or phrase as written, they click omitted.
3. Word will show one by one the errors in your document until it detects more.
This program is very useful for me but it is not foolproof because sometimes it will show words that are not well known. This tool will help me in my future and also help me to understand, improve my English writing, and look better in my essays.