- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Univesitary Syllabus

Enviado por   •  10 de Julio de 2014  •  300 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  196 Visitas

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English Polytechnic Institute

Course Systems Programming


Instructor: Doroteo Arango, Pancho Villa.

Schedule: 7:00-8:30 MTF.

Location: 1106.

Term: Aug 11th – Dec 5th 2014.

Mail address:


The objective of this course is to provide you with a basic understanding of the issues involved in writing system programs, manipulating system processes, system IO, system permissions, files, directories, signals, threads, sockets and terminal. The primary operating system discussed will be Unix (Linux) but Windows will also be discussed. Students are expected to have a basic knowledge of the C (or C++) programming language.


Operating Systems, Data Structures, C++ Language, and Computer Architecture.

Recommended Text.

Understanding UNIX/LINUX Programming: A Guide to Theory and Practice Bruce Molay, Prentice Hall, 2003, ISBN-10: 0130083968

Optional Texts.

• Windows System Programming, 3rd Edition, Johnson M. Hart. This is the class reference for Win32/Win64 programming.

• Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment, W. Richard Stevens, Stephen A. Rago. This is the Standard Reference for Unix System Programming.

Class Software.

• Visual C++.

• gcc (or g++).

Course Outline.

Topics to be covered include:

• Overview of systems programming.

• Users, files and manuals.

• Directories, file properties, and file systems.

• Terminal control and signals.

• Event driven programming.

• Processes and programs.

• IO redirection and pipes.

• Servers and sockets.

• Threads.


• Mid-term : 15%

• Final : 15%

• Assignments: 70%


Assignments will primarily be programming assignments, although some may include written questions. The class assignments are designed to make you think about the class material. As such they will not be mechanical modifications of class examples. It is expected that most coding assignments will be derived from an example presented or referenced in the class notes.

You are encouraged to seek help from the instructor if you are having difficulty with the assignment and have made an honest attempt to solve it.

The final examination is nominally scheduled for 7:00 pm - 8:30 am on Friday December 5. The final also may be a take home with this as the submission time.

Additional Requirements.

This syllabus and all subsequent information on the course will be available using the WWW.


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