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Vex Robotics

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Vex Protobot Plus Kit Curriculum Guide Index

The following syllabus is designed for use as a two plus semester course


This index is divided into five sections: Standards, Curriculum Organization, Introduction to VEX robotics, Introduction to Robotics Engineering, and Robotics Labs. Each of the titles in the index is a hyperlink that will take you to that specific lesson in the curriculum.


How Robotics Aligns with Standards 5

Science Standards Addressed 5

Systems, Order and Organization 5

Evidence, Models and Explanation 6

Constancy, Change and Measurement 7

Evolution and Equilibrium 7

Form and Function 8

Science as Inquiry – Content Standard “A” 8

Physical Science – Content Standard “B” 9

Science and Technology – Content Standard “E” 9

Mathematics Standards Addressed 10

Numbers and Operations 10

Algebra 10

Geometry 11

Measurement 11

Problem Solving 12

Reasoning and Proof 12

Communications 13

Connections 13

Technology Standards Addressed 14

The Nature of Technology 14

Technology and Society 15

Design 15

Abilities for a Technological World 16

The Designed World 17

Reading, Writing, Listening, Presenting Connections 18

Communications skills applied when working with Robots 18

Curriculum Organization

Curriculum Organization 20

Intro to Safety, Project Management, and Project Planning 20

Intro to Robotic Lessons 20

Intro to Programming Lessons 21

Intro to Engineering Activities 22

Intro to the VEX Resources Section 22

VEX Teaching & Assessment Tools 24

Rubrics for Assessment 24

The Engineering Journal 24

Glossary of Robotic Terms 24

Introduction to VEX Robotics System

Introduction to Robotics 25

Introduction Teacher Expectations 25

Introduction to STEM Related Career Paths 27

Introduction to the Software and Hardware in the lab 29

Safety – 5 day intro - Ongoing 31

Resources 31

Learning Objectives 31

Learning Activities 31

Procedures for Assessment 32

Plan of Study 32

Introduction to VEX Systems – 3 - 5 days 35

Resources 35

Learning Objectives 35

Learning Activities 35

Procedures for Assessment 36

Programming the VEX remote control – 9 to 18 days 38

Resources 38

Learning Objectives 38

Learning Activities 39

Procedures for Assessment 40

Plan of Study 40

Introduction to Robotics Engineering

Planning Your Project – 10 days - Ongoing 42

Resources 43

Learning Objectives 43

Learning Activities 44

Procedures for Assessment 44

Plan of Study 44

Introduction to Engineering – 10 day intro – phase 1 46

Resources 46

Learning Objectives 46

Learning Activities 47

Procedures for Assessment 48

Plan of Study 49

Engineering Activities Include with this Curriculum 51

Orchard Project 4-5 weeks 51

Automated Hot Dog Maker Project 51

The Automated WorkCell 51

Robotics Labs

How are Signals Sent? – 7 days 52

Resources Required 52

Learning Objectives 52

Learning Activities 52

Procedures for Assessment 53

Plan of Study 53

How Much Current Will My Robot Draw – 3 – 4 days 55

Resources Required 55

Learning Objectives 55

Learning Activities 55

Procedures for Assessment 56

Plan of Study 56

How Much Can a Motor Lift – 3 – 4 days 58

Resources Required 58

Learning Objectives 58

Learning Activities 59

Procedures for Assessment 59

Plan of Study 59

Robotics Labs cont.

How Do Gear Ratios Affect Speed and Torque – 3 – 4 days 61

Resources Required 61

Learning Objectives 62

Learning Activities 62

Procedures for Assessment 62

Plan of Study 63

Does Wheel Size Matter – 3 – 4 days 64

Resources Required 64

Learning Objectives 64

Learning Activities 65

Procedures for Assessment 65

Plan of Study 65

How Robotics Aligns with Standards

Information Addressing how this Robotics Curriculum Addresses Content Standards

This section describes how robotics as a content area aligns with National Science, Mathematics, and Technology Standards. Below you will see the format that we are using to align the standard and how robotics can align with the standard.


On the left is a description of the standard or particular point of the standard that is addressed through robotics.

Robotics Link

On the right is a description of how robotics in general and this curriculum in particular addresses this standard.

Science Standards Addressed

From the National Science Education Standards (NSES)

Systems, Order and Organization

The natural and designed world is complex; it is too large and complicated to investigate and comprehend all at once.

A system is an organized group of related objects or components that form a whole.

The goal of this standard is to think and analyze in terms of systems.

Science assumes that the behavior of the universe is not capricious, that nature is the same everywhere, and that it is understandable and predictable.

Prediction is the use of knowledge to identify and explain observation, or changes, in advance. The use of mathematics allows for greater or lesser certainty of predictions.

Order is the behavior of units of matter, objects, organisms or events in the universe – can be described mathematically.

Types and levels of organization provide useful ways of thinking about the world

Robots are excellent examples of systems, with many heterogeneous components interacting in organized, methodical ways to achieve results as a whole that they could not have achieved separately.

Examples include:

• Navigation systems (e.g. sensor tells the robot where it is, programmable controller tells the robot how to interpret this information, motors


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