Virtual TI v2.5 beta 5
Enviado por NSAX1911 • 17 de Enero de 2014 • Tutorial • 2.034 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 346 Visitas
Virtual TI v2.5 beta 5
Written by Rusty Wagner
* A Pentium or better running Windows 95 or higher,
Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 2000
This emulator will run ROMs from the TI-82, TI-83,
TI-83 Plus, TI-85, TI-86, TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 II,
and/or TI-92 Plus calculators.
A menu containing the functions of the emulator can
be obtained by right clicking on the LCD.
* ROM versions are automatically detected
* Switch between ROM versions without restarting the
* Built-in ROM dumper with automatic error correction
* Archive memory support for TI-89 and TI-92 Plus
* Send files to the calculator
* Receive files from the virtual calculator
* Use a TI Graph-link cable or serial cable to connect to a real calculator
* Connect two instances of the emulator with a virtual
* Sound emulation
* Save and load the state of the calculator. Any
changes to the Flash ROM (i.e. archived variables)
will be included in the state.
* 4-level and 7-level grayscale support
* Full skinning system with editor
* Resize emulation window to any size
* Screenshot feature which saves to a BMP or to the
* Option to emulate at either the true speed of the
calculator or the fastest the computer can handle.
* The letter keys are aliased to produce their
respective letters. No need to press the Alpha
key, just type.
* A full-featured graphical debugger
* Code disassembly pane. ROM call addresses are
replaced by the name of the ROM function. DB92
symbol information is also used when available.
* Code breakpoints. Does not modify memory, so
they are completely transparent.
* Data breakpoints can be set on a single byte,
word, or dword, or a range of addresses.
* Set a breakpoint on entry to an assembly program
* View and change the value of the registers
* Hexadecimal memory view/edit pane with search
* On the 89/92(+), a handle pane which lists all
allocated handles. Allows user to jump directly
to the start of the handle within either the
disassembly pane or the memory pane.
* On the 82-86, a variable pane which lists all
variables and their types. Allows user to jump
directly to the start of the variable within
either the dissassembly pane or the memory pane.
* Real time updates to the LCD, even with grayscale
* Log reads/writes to memory or changes to
individual bits
Limitations of this beta 5 version:
* 8-level grayscale on the TI-86 doesn't work properly
* Key redefinition is not yet implemented, although the
program should now work on international keyboards
without it
* Receiving of backups from the virtual calculator is
not implemented
* Log link port send/receive is not implemented
* TI-82 ROM dumper does not work
* TI-83 Plus does not yet have Flash support
This emulator requires a ROM image from a real
calculator that you own. I will not send you any ROMs.
You can use the built-in ROM dumper to obtain an image
from your calculator.
If you already have a ROM dump, place it in the same
directory as VTI.EXE (this is done automatically if you
use the built-in dumper). Make sure it has the
extension .rom, .bin, or .dmp. The file name may be
anything (the calculator and version number are
automatically detected). Any .tib Flash ROM upgrades
will also be recognized if placed in the same directory
as VTI.EXE. The latest version will be used by default,
but you may revert to an earlier version from the
emulation mode dialog.
On the TI-92, these are the PC key equivilents that are
not obvious:
F9 - Apps
; - Theta
Tab - Store
Left ctrl - Diamond
Left alt - 2nd
[ - (
] - )
Caps lock - Hand/Lock
` - Mode
\ - Ln
Ins - Sin
Home - Cos
PgUp - Tan
Del - Clear
Scroll lock - On
Num Pad Enter - Enter below cursor pad
On the TI-89:
F6 - Catalog
F9 - Apps
Tab - Store
Left ctrl - Diamond
Left alt - 2nd
[ - (
] - )
Caps lock - Alpha
` - Mode
\ - |
Ins - EE
Del - Clear
Scroll lock - On
On the TI-82 and TI-83:
F1 - Y=
F2 - Window
F3 - Zoom
F4 - Trace
F5 - Graph
Esc - Mode
Caps lock - Alpha
` - X,T,theta
= - Stat
F6 - Math
F7 - Matrx
F8 - Prgm
F9 - Vars
PgDn - Clear
End - x^-1
Insert - sin
Home - cos
PgUp - tan
Num lock - ^
; - x^2
[ - (
] - )
' - log
\ - ln
Tab - Store
Scroll lock - On
On the TI-85 and TI-86:
Esc - Exit
` - More
Caps lock - Alpha
Ctrl - x-var
F6 - Graph
F7 - Table
F8 - Prgm
F9 - Custom
PgDn - Clear
' - log
Insert - sin
Home - cos
PgUp - tan
Num lock - ^
\ - ln
End - EE
[ - (
] - )
; - x^2
Tab - Store
Scroll lock - On
To send a file to the calculator, press F10 or drag and
drop from explorer.
To enter the debugger, press F11.
To bring up the emulation ROM version screen, press F12.
The debugger is for the most part the same as any other
graphical debugger. One thing to note is the color of
the lines in the disassembly pane. Red means
breakpoint, green means current PC, and blue means
currently selected. If a line is in more than one
state at the same time, the colors will be combined.
For example, a breakpoint that is selected will combine