- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  6 de Octubre de 2013  •  Tesis  •  525 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  225 Visitas

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a) WINDOWS DESKTOP: it is the working area and it occupies the entire screen.

b) Concept of jump list:: are lists of recent applications, as files, folder or web pages, organized by the program determined to open it:

c) Option all programs, of the start menu: shosws a complete list of the programs installed in the computer.

d) Dialog boxes: a dialog box is a window that permits to excute an option questions or give information to the user or indicates the status or progress of an action of a process.

e) Task of buttons: is a similar to a dialog box, it just is presented in a pane instead of a separate window and it has more direct access

f) Concept of library

They are defined as locations in which all kind of documents, music, images and other files are administrated.

a) WINDOWS DESKTOP: it is the working area and it occupies the entire screen.

b) Concept of jump list:: are lists of recent applications, as files, folder or web pages, organized by the program determined to open it:

c) Option all programs, of the start menu: shosws a complete list of the programs installed in the computer.

d) Dialog boxes: a dialog box is a window that permits to excute an option questions or give information to the user or indicates the status or progress of an action of a process.

e) Task of buttons: is a similar to a dialog box, it just is presented in a pane instead of a separate window and it has more direct access

f) Concept of library

They are defined as locations in which all kind of documents, music, images and other files are administrated.

a) WINDOWS DESKTOP: it is the working area and it occupies the entire screen.

b) Concept of jump list:: are lists of recent applications, as files, folder or web pages, organized by the program determined to open it:

c) Option all programs, of the start menu: shosws a complete list of the programs installed in the computer.

d) Dialog boxes: a dialog box is a window that permits to excute an option questions or give information to the user or indicates the status or progress of an action of a process.

e) Task of buttons: is a similar to a dialog box, it just is presented in a pane instead of a separate window and it has more direct access

f) Concept of library

They are defined as locations


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