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Website performance

Enviado por   •  17 de Junio de 2014  •  Informe  •  530 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  249 Visitas

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Website performance

Website performance can be measured by response time.

Response time represents the time (often an average) that

elapses between the issue of a request and the return of the

requested data. When your server is processing a large number

of requests (under full load), requests may take longer to

complete than if the server were unloaded. For user requests,

this can result in increased response time for clients. If the

server is under an excessive load, users may perceive the

server as slow or unresponsive.

Human beings don’t like to wait. We don’t like waiting for

Web pages to load. The home page is the interface of a site

and it is very useful because:

1- The home page needs to be designed with particular

care as this page is akin to the cover of a magazine or

company report.

2- An in-depth evaluation of an entire Web site including

its entire links is very time consuming and difficult.

3- The home page tends to set the tone and theme of the

Web site [6].

For these reasons, the home page represent a very important

factor for evaluating the website, Equation (1) represent a page

response time [7]. From the equation (1) the page response

time depends on the following variables: Page size is measured

in Kbytes, the larger the page, the longer it takes to download.

Minimum bandwidth is defined as the bandwidth of the

smallest pipe between the end user and its ISP, Since today a

large percentage of people are still connecting to the Internet

using 56.6K modems, Round trip time (RTT) is the time lag,

between the sending of a request from the user’s browser to the

Web server and the receipt of the first few bytes of data from

the Web server to the user’s computer. The term turns defines

the number of TCP connections required to completely

download a page, the last factor in the response time formula is

the processing time required by the server and the client to put

together the required page so it can be viewed by the requester.

B. Website traffic

The Website traffic considered a very useful web metric to

evaluate a site, several web traffics put themselves forward as

candidates for inclusion in the study; examples are: ‘‘unique

visitors’’, ‘‘page hits’’, ‘‘time spent’’, and ‘‘loyalty’’. The

unique visitors and page hits were chosen to evaluate the sites

in this study [8].


DEA is one of operations research tool that is used to

evaluate multi-criterion problems and it is because of this

property, DEA is used to improve the efficiencies of the



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