- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

AR Methodology

Enviado por   •  11 de Febrero de 2014  •  861 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  258 Visitas

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1. Introduction.

The problem that the action research will talk about, is a problem which IIES school generation has been a part of. Apathy and negativity are some of the things people can feel within the atmosphere of some groups at IIES University. That is a serious problem given that those students don’t feel involved emotionally towards the product. That, in this case is the University itself. When this happens, the student becomes only an unsatisfied client whose expectations are not being fulfilled.

The main threats of this problem are the following:

a) Students leaving the school to go with the competition

b) Ill speaking of the University

c) Spread negativity among other students

Attitudes are formed through people’s personality and experiences. They are predispositions to act in a certain way when facing a specific situation. They are shaped from beliefs, feelings and behaviors.

The main proposal to try and solve this problem is to organize more social, cultural and sport events for the student community. These kinds of events would raise the level of involvement students currently have, becoming this way, into active students that participate in their University.

Nowadays there is a University Committee that is integrated by different departments like ecology, health, culture, sports, social events, education and leadership.

One approach that could cause a positive impact would be to encourage students to actively participate in the Committee activities. Each section of the Committee would function as a club in which students can belong to. With a maximum of ten people per club, those members must be committed to themselves and to the school to accomplish the activities planned.

Each club must organize, plan and manage one event per year with the obligation to schedule it with enough time so the club responsible for the event has enough time to provide a quality outcome and meet the expectations that IIES community will have of it.

The last proposal is to elaborate a bulletin board that must be updated every two weeks. The bulletin board will contain articles suggested by the different clubs, the Marketing department and the students’ community.

Suggested content:

• Motivational message (Short quotes)

• Message from the Dean/Principal

• Articles or notes about:

 Ecology

 Health

 Leadership

 Culture

 Sports

 Education

 Social/Artistic

 Technology

 Innovation

• Birthdays to come (students and IIES staff)

• Important dates (holydays, days off, exams calendar)

• Activities to come:

 Implementation of theme days such as: (wear green day, pajama day, etc.)

 Important events in town

 Congresses and conferences

• Administrative notifications

• Acknowledgement to students working on the bulletin board



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