- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Alcohol problems

Enviado por   •  26 de Febrero de 2016  •  Ensayo  •  418 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  108 Visitas

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Juan David López           438                       11 ZULU B

Santiago Fetecua           1402                      11 ZULU B


“Consume alcohol haves consequences regardless of age”

Why we should not drink alcohol?

Beer, wine, and hard liquor contain alcohol. If you are drinking anyone of this, you are consuming alcohol.  Maybe your patterns of alcohol consumption vary depending on who you are and what you are doing.

Probably you know that the consumption of alcohol could cause very problems of your health. But even responsible consumption patterns could lead to problems of health or maybe problems with your family.

Consequences of alcohol

Alcohol consumption can lead to problems with our health, for example:

  1. Esophageal bleeding (the conduct that connect the throat to the stomach)
  2. Inflammation and damage to the pancreas. The pancreas produces substances that the body needs to function well.
  3. Liver damage. When it is severe, often leading to death.
  4. Numbness or painful sensation of "pins and needles" in arms or legs
  5. Problems with erections in men.
  6. Leakage of urine or difficulty starting urination.

Whit frequency the people drinks alcohol to feels better or to block feelings of sadness, depression, anxiety or worry, but the alcohol can:

  1. Aggravate these problems.
  2. Cause sleeps problems.
  3. Increase the risk of suicide.

Why young people drink alcohol.

The families sometimes results affected when somebody in the house drinks alcohol. Violence and conflicts in the home are more likely when a member of the family is an alcoholic. The children than lives in a home where the present excessive consumption of alcohol are more likely to:

  1. Having poor performance in school.
  2. Being depressed and having anxiety problems and low self-esteem.
  3. Parents could have marriages that ended in divorce.

What can you do?

The first step is ask yourself what type of drinker are you, even if you are a responsible drinker, drink too only once could be harmful. Be aware of your alcohol consumption patterns. Learn some ways to reduce your alcohol intake, if you can’t do this or that consume alcohol is becoming harmful to your health, search help from: a medic, support groups and self-help for people than haves problem whit the alcohol consumption.

In conclusion the people can lives more comfortable without alcohol


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