- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Analisis Crazy Loco

Enviado por   •  10 de Noviembre de 2014  •  409 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  203 Visitas

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Analysis of Crazy Loco

Before reading the book is easy to believe, just by reading the synopsis and the title, the book were a dog or given if the dog owner with which the animal carries a relationship and is well aware of the events as believing that the animal has the thinking capacity of an average human being. However, the book is a compilation of several stories told from the perspective of a different character in each story and whose relationship between history and history is only the issue between any of them and the place where they work which is a city in the state of Texas, the entire book is fiction, but despite this, can be taken as an autobiography of the author's life. The stories tell the lives of mainly Mexican American adolescents, and the author himself is a Mexican-American who lived in Texas, Rio Grande Valley.

If you belong to a Hispanic culture, it is very easy to identify with any of the characters in the stories and you belong to, in a way, the culture of Mexico. Besides that throughout history expression and completely mixed Mexican vocabulary between English language use.

On the other hand, I also felt very personally identified with the book in some history as pe but not narrate as is my life events that are similar to what I've experienced are presented, as is the case of "Papa Lalo "since the story chronicles the events and emotional conflicts which the main character goes after the divorce of his parents, and as, likewise, will finding an acceptance and affection toward his mother's new partner. "Valentin" is another story that I felt as identified in the search of her first love of a teenager is told, and as a teenager I fell in love for the first time could feel a catharsis at the end of the story.

With the rest of the stories I was able to laugh and mourn as many were funny and others will break the heart. Significantly, the book and the stories as a whole are not made for one stay knowing the end of them, on the contrary, every story has an inconclusive end to which the reader must infer an ending for the characters and create in his mind the one you see fit. I enjoyed reading this book as it relates my culture and the culture of another country, and as mixed together with so-called "Chicanos".


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