- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Daniel Samper Pizano.

It is easy to imagine how it was our past. A huge sphere full of beings primitive, almost all bugs in a single or very few cells. The low town of this primitive planet was habited by amoebas, algae, and microbes, and the aristocracy, worms and earthworms. All emerged of the sea in search of a place where install your home, and keep their children. there was nothing more: water salt, rocks and those creatures disgusting and elementary. That was the last of this fucking world.

But there was a last before the last: an ancestorimagine the ancestor, it is difficult thing, because there are many and very contradictory theories.

Some say that before that arise the world, there was a huge vacuum. In other words, there was nothing. Zero more zero. And that zero, of this nothingness, that vacuum we came. How? They do not explain it. Others say that, by the contrary, no there was a vacuum but a huge despelote or mess. In other words, many things. But completely disorganized. Pretend the wardrobe of a girl of 15 years or the files of the tax administration account when a victim demands that you rectified a mistake.

In the antiquity the human tried to explain the origin of the world coming to the religion. But the religion nor provided answers consistent. You pick up the Bible, for example. Some versions claim that "in the beginning was the chaos". Others claim that " there was nothing on earth ". I.e., according to the translations of the Genesis to which is go, before this fucking world only existed the vacuum or by the contrary, only reigned the chaos.

But that is not the most serious. Other versions of the Bible say that "in the beginning was the Verb". so that there are now three candidates: vacuum, the chaos and the verb. Which Verb? And how is conjugate? Theologians claim that the Verb is God. Then the verb is not even a verb, but a noun.

The theologians not only be ventured with the grammar, but also with the archaeology. These were his calculations, the exquisite accuracy, about the history of the planet: the man - named Adam - was born in the year 4004 b.C; the flood (that of Noah's Ark) took place in the year 2348 b.C. And Moises was born in 1572 b.C.

Before the religious turmoil, should go to science. And science agree on a few points. First, that the age of the earth can set at 10,000 million years ago, although the downside is that not long ago the science spoke of 3,000 million and then jumped to 5,000 million. So work them bargains in the agencies of trips, that, at the end, cost the double because not include breakfast, taxes, or rights of toilet. But it is depressing that occur in the field of science. Finally: with a few billions less or a few billions more, we know that the world is very old.


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