- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Bucaramanga, The Amazing City

Enviado por   •  24 de Abril de 2014  •  482 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  315 Visitas

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Bucaramanga is an amazing city, is known as "The beautiful town of Colombia". Here are many places to look around and of course you never get bored.

Today I introduce to you the city which for more than ten years has become my beautiful home, and also some of the most outstanding places of this wonderful land.

Let's start this tour in the downtown of the city, there we find a place full of culture, known as the "Book House" where different art events are held. Across the street can visit the city hall, recently rebuilt and now better than ever. The Garcia Rovira Park separates the city hall from the governor offices, and only just one block, we found the Courthouse located in the Plaza Luis Carlos Galan Sarmiento, square where we can also see a sculpture that reminds us this great character.

If we walked a couple of blocks over, we can visit the birthplace of the local news: "Vanguardia Liberal", the newspaper of the region. Nearby there is a chamber that today after its reconstruction, is known as an icon of art in our region; I am talking of "Santander Theatre". To conclude this journey through the streets of downtown, we must go to the Theatre Corfescu, the venue for many events, characters and of course culture.

Now let's talk about education, requiring visit the Industrial University of Santander, better known as "The UIS", this is one of the largest and best known universities in the country, the cause of which many young people visit us and choose to live here. On the same street, we found our university "The UNAD". And to complete the educational journey, it is necessary to speak of a very busy and rather peculiar street: "The street of students", where there are five major schools of Bucaramanga and a university called "UTS".

Here we go shopping every weekend. For that, there are five malls and a lot of supermarkets, among these is well known the mall "El Cacique", located near “Neomundo" where entertainment, science and technology make his best role. By the same road we came to the clinic "Carlos Ardila Lulle" where treated by the best doctors and the latest in technology, many people pay attention to their health.

One of the most popular neighborhoods in Bucaramanga is “Cabecera”, and is surrounded by residential developments, businesses, universities, and of course the best traditional restaurants in our region, such as "The Old Chiflas".

To end this visit is important that you know that Bucaramanga is also called "The city of parks" precisely because there is one on every corner. The main parks are: "The children's park" sports scene, "San Pio" park which hosts very important cultural events, park "The Palms" epicenter of storytellers, "The water's park"


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