- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Como son las Actividades en pasado en inglés

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Actividades de aprendizaje

Actividad Diagnostica

In this activity, you will think on what you had done before going on a trip

1. Choose from the box the correct verb form for each sentence.

Booked      Bought      Packed      Decided

a) I had booked in the hotel before I went on a trip

b) I had decided the flight schedule before I went on a trip

c) I had bought my airplane ticket before I went on a trip

d) I had packed my suitcase before I went on a trip

Actividad de adquisicion del conocimiento

In this activity you will write about things that had happened to you when you went on vacation

1. Read the following sentences. Write number 1 below the action that happened first and number 2 below the action that happened afterwards.


The bus had left when I got the bus station

                        1                                       2

a) I arrived to the airport and the plane had left.

                         1                                     2

b) Sophie had saved some money before she booked the hotel.

                         1                                     2

c) Robert chose a beach to go when he had done some research about the most visited beaches.

                         2                                      1

d) Before Bruce traveled to Japan, he had gotten a check up

                         2                                       1

e) John had learned French before he traveled to France

                         1                                       2

f) Had you ever visited the U. S. before your trip in 2012?

                     1                                             2

g) Frank had visited his Mexican relatives once in 2011 before he moved with them in 2012.


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