- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  9 de Agosto de 2014  •  670 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  137 Visitas

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Definition of agent:

Set of factors that are present in the environment and can cause disease in host.

Definition of Contaminant:

Is a substance found in a medium to which it belongs or does at levels that may cause adverse effects on health or the environment.

Definition of pollutants

Are a set of factors or substances that are present in the environment and cause adverse effects on health or the environment.

Introduction and objectives

Continued advances in science and have a direct impact on an accelerated basis and our nature.

The negative effects that affect it bring dire consequences for our natural protective.

The fabrication worldwide need of products for human welfare generates large volumes of waste that does not always end up in top locations indicated.

I brought this to get the great problems of environmental pollution that distinguish modern society of today.

-IDENTIFY the different types of pollutants thus be able to provide solution to the problem of environmental pollution.

-Establish meaning through the research of pollutants give a possible solution based on several aspects and written communication.

-Make people aware of the problematic given about the harm he is causing to the environment.

-Go into the preventive for it helps. How to prevent the further spread of contaminants are not in our environment.

The affecting water:

Pathogens: these are viruses, bacteria or protozoa which transmit various diseases such as cholera, hepatitis, gastroenteritis, among others.

Inorganic waste: organic waste are produced by people or animals. When these are in excess, depleting oxygen in the water preventing living things live in them.

Inorganic Chemicals: here are salts, acids and toxic metals such as lead or mercury. They can affect the teams that are working well in the water as well as the creatures that inhabit it. Also achieved harm the crop yield.

Inorganic plant nutrients: phosphate and nitrate when found in excess, cause excessive growth of algae or other organisms, causing the eutrophication of water. When the algae die oxygen, preventing other living things develop there exhausted.

Organic compounds: molecules of gasoline, plastics or oil, among others, once thrown, you stay long periods in the water since they are very difficult to degrade.

Materials and suspended sediments: particles entrained water and other materials suspended in the soil are the major water pollution. These prevent certain organisms live and also have interference with feeding and spawning fish.

Radioactive substances: Radioactive isotopes are soluble in water and can sometimes reach higher concentrations


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