- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Creating A Life Plan

Enviado por   •  6 de Diciembre de 2014  •  248 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  166 Visitas

Creating a life plan

Nowadays the young people don’t have a life plan but they don’t know that have a plant life is very important to get goals that they wish. Also a life plan gives a structure to your life. If you have dreams you have to put it in your plan life because you dreams can be turns into reality.

Life means time that’s why is important create your life plan because is the things that you have to do all your life. Have a life plan helps you in your career because it shows that you are a successful person and you have motivation to do that the things happen.

How create a life plan:

Write your personal goals in four ambits.

• Spiritual

• Professional

• Family

• Health

In these four ambits you have to write your goals but it must be in your reality.

1. Goals

Make a list of the most important things that you have in the future.

2. Vision

In this point you have to visualize yourself in 5 or 10 years. Make a list of the goals at the end of the time.

3. Tracing

Check every week your goals, this help you ti follow the dreams and evaluate your goals. If you do this step you become to be consistent and successful.

A life plan helps you to create a successful future in a lot of ambits like spiritual, professional, educational, etc. Is necessary that the young people make a life plan because it lets them find their way to a destination that they expected.


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