- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  23 de Agosto de 2015  •  Informe  •  335 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  117 Visitas

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In the images, the problem of drug addiction is a serious problem in Mexico drug use has consequences for the normal functioning of our nervous system and causes a number of effects that alter our capabilities shown: change the way of thinking, working, to interact with others and to face the challenges of reality. In short, we make fewer stars of our lives. I think it will be better to prevent drug addiction from light house is but in the case of dysfunctional families this will be best to prevent both at home and in schools and in daily life in society.


kidnapping is a social problem that requires the intervention of criminology as a science, as I think will be better able to take AcAV preventive measures that aid to public safety attacking this problem in the bud by the diagnostic study and execution of criminological project specific will be a way to expand a real Prevencio of kidnapping the abductor is known in his psychological profile as well known as his criminal acts in medium and predict next kidnapping


the consequences are:

Favors the consolidation of political and economic elites and bureaucracies.

It erodes the credibility and legitimacy of governments.

Plays a patrimonial conception of power.

It reduces tax revenues and prevents scarce public resources contribute to the development and social welfare.

It allows the approval and operation of laws, programs and policies, unsubstantiated or popular legitimacy.

Revitalizing a culture of corruption and contributes to their proliferation.

Corruption is a problem that seriously affects the legitimacy of democracy, distorts the economic system and a factor of social disintegration. I think it will be likely that governments and society itself promote the eradication of this big problem.

The fight against corruption will be perhaps one of the areas in which collective action by States is not only useful and desirable, but absolutely necessary.

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