- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  3 de Mayo de 2014  •  319 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  188 Visitas

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Adjective: is a word that came and changed the name. You can expand, complement or quantify its size. They are words that name or indicate qualities, traits and properties names or nouns they accompany.

The adjectives are classified into:

1. Qualifying: express the qualities of the noun they modify and are located in front of it. Not varyneither gender nor the number. Are divided into: Appearance, Feelings and Moods (positive) and Feelings and Moods (negative). For example: 1. The telegraph is an OLD telephone 2.Canada is a BIG country

2. Demonstrative: those that are used to determine the location of things. They are: singular: this and that, in plural: these and those. For example: 1. THIS flower is beautiful 2. THAT dog is bad

3. Distributive: are those vaguely expressing the distribution of the elements involved. Some are: Each, Every, Either, Neither, Other, Both. For example: 1. BOTH tied the game. 2. The OTHERS were not there.

4. Quantitative: are those expressing an amount imprecisely. Are divided into: With Uncountable Nouns and With Countable, for example: 1. I have a LITTLE tea 2. He has been here MANY times.

5. Interrogative: is used with nouns to ask questions. They are: What, Whose, Where, Why, How, Which. For example: 1. WHAT is your plan? 2. WHOSE car is this?

6. Possessive: They refer to who owns and not the possessed. Usually precede the nouns. They are: My, Your, His, Her, Its, Our, Your, Their. For example: 1. Bill washes HIS car every day. 2. Mary went to HER English class yesterday.

7. Proper: are adjectives derived from a proper name, the most illustrative example are gentile adjectives that are derived from the names of the countries. For example: 1. AMERICAN way of life 2. ASIAN people.

8. Numeral: is the adjective which is used to show the number of noun. Are divided into: Cardinal Numbers, Ordinal Numbers, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. For example: 1. Mary has THREE dogs 2. Today is January FIRST


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