Didactic Sequence For 1st Grade
Enviado por tonypiter_2006 • 8 de Junio de 2012 • 702 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 1.411 Visitas
Didactic Sequence
Educational strategies
What teacher does:
What students do:
Display flahcards about the different seasons of the year
(include pictures about people in different backgrounds wearing different clothes)
Elicit information (Activate prior knowledge)
How does weather change along the year?
Using “realia” show students a thermometer and elicit the posible uses of it.
Students describe what they see in the pictures.
Students recall how weather has been changing.
Ask them what activities they do in winter, in summer, in spring, in fall.
Teacher will make students understand why we have different seasons along the year. Teacher displays the following chart on the board.
Students will make hypothesis about why seasons occur.
Teacher will help students confirm those hypothesis through their own prior knowledges.
Teacher recalls the seasons using the following sources:
The teacher will display the following video.
Once ss have watched the video, the teacher will refer
the sunrise book pages 339 and 340 in order to explain what they just saw.
Observation activity:
Teacher will ask students to complete a chart every day in order to record the local weather and temperature.
(See attached file “weather and temperature”)
To make sure students have understood, they will have to answer worksheet 1 (see attached file)
With this activity, students will identify the phenomenon to be analyzed and will recognize that ecosystems suffer natural temporary changes.
With this activity, students will develop explanations based on their own observations and experiences.
What teacher does:
What students do:
Teacher and students pretend they are fashion designers and at the end of the lesson they will have to make a fashion show.
Explain that each season has different characteristics which a designer should know and analyze in order to design the right outfits.
Review with students clothing vocabulary.
Watch the following video:
Once students have watched the video, they will have to read sunrise book p. 337 & 338 and answer worksheet 2 (see attached file)
With this activity, students will develop explanations based on their own observations and experiences.
After students know what seasons are, their characteristics, and which different clothes they need to