- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Dispositivo que convierte las señales digitales-analógicas

Enviado por   •  29 de Febrero de 2016  •  Tarea  •  1.169 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  146 Visitas

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I love watching Game of thrones on my Monitor


Dispositivo que convierte las señales digitales-analógicas

I published a few book on the Internet and they can be freely downloaded by anyone who has a computer or a modem.



The soda fell into the Keyboard



Can you turn down the sound of your speakers



I bought a new printer for my computer

System Unit

Caja de la computadora

A typical desktop computer consists of a computer system unit, a keyboard, a mouse, and a monitor


Ratón (Informática)

To use a mouse to move the cursor on a computer screen to any position.


Unidad central de proceso

My CPU needs a fixed


Conjunto de elementos físicos que constituyen una computadora

I need to  change the Hardware of my CPU


Conjunto de programas y rutinas que permiten a la computadora realizar determinadas tareas.

It´s available the new software of Apple.


Procesos Computacionales

The proceses of the computer are slower.


Memoria principal de la computadora, donde residen programas y datos, sobre la que se pueden efectuar operaciones de lectura y escritura.

When I try to open my homework, the memory RAM of my computer was empty.


La memoria de sólo lectura

The memory ROM is to slower



This graphics are difficult to understand



The components of my CPU are dirty.



The performance on my work was perfect

To store/ Storage


I store my homework on my USB

Main Memory

Memoria Principal

My main memory was empty

Word Processor

Procesador de letras

I used the Word Processor to do my homework

Physical Units

Unidades Físicas



The input of my computer was broken

Out Put


My USB got stuck on the  output of my CPU


Insert Text

Inserte texto

I insert more text to my homework

Delete text

Borre texto

I delate a lot of text of my homework, it was too long

Cut and Paste

Cortar y pegar

I cut and paste a lot of information from the web



I copy the information from a new website

Page size and margins

Tamaño de la página y márgenes

The teacher asked us a specific page size and margins

Search and Replace

Buscar y remplazar

I search and replace the Misinformation for good one

Word wrap

Configuración de los ajustes

Change the word wrap settings



I print my homework in the morning

Thesaurus dictionary

Diccionario de sinónimos

I use the thesaurus dictionary to understand my homework

Drag and Drop

Arrastrar y soltar

I drag and drop the image in a word processor

Disk Drive

Unidad de discos

I put the CD in a drisk drive

Double click (on)

Doble click

I press double click to copy and paste the image



My brother is a Geek, he loves computers


Es todo individuo que se dedica a programar de forma entusiasta

A professional hacker do the job.

Highlight text

Subrayado de texto

I use the highlight text to select the most important words from the text

Surf the net

Navegar en internet

I love suffering on the net

Scan photographs

Fotografías escaneadas

I scan the photographs to share on Facebook.



When I have Messenger I used to whiz when my Friends didn’t answer to me

File management

Gestión de archivos

My File management was full

Font specifications

Especificaciones del tipo de letra

The teacher tell us an specific Font specifications

Foot notes and cross-references

Agregar referencias al pie de pagina

My teacher put me foot notes on my homework

Headers, footers and page numbering

Encabezados, Pies de página y numeración de pagina

Please don’t forgot to put the headers, footers and page number to the homework



The layout of the web site is beautiful



Merging two sets of data

Spell checker

Checador ortografico

The spell checker always safe my life

Table of contents and indexes

Tabla de contenido e indices

My homework has a table of contents and indexes

Menu bar

Barra de menu

The menu bar was easy to find

Digital images

Imagenes digitales

I prefer digital images than photographs

Vector images

Imagenes de vectores

I hate the vector images, they are difficult to understand

Bit map images

Imagenes de mapa de bits

Because a bit map uses a fixed method of specifying an image

Optimized file formats

Formatos de archivos optimizados

This lesson is designed to help you understand file types and file optimization. In this lesson, you will learn about GIF, JPG and PNG file formats.



My favorite browser is Google chrome



The settings are on the main menu


Image editing application

Aplicacion de edicion de Imagenes

Photoshop is for image editing application



I love this palette of colors

Drawing Palette

Paleta de dibujo

The drawing palette has a lot of new colors


Move tool

Herramienta de movimiento

I use the move tool to move pictures in photoshop

Polygon lasso tool

Herramienta de Lazo Poligonal

Polygonal Lasso Tool, another of its basic selections tools

Magic wand tool

Varita magica

Magic Wand tool and Quick Selection tool to quickly select part of a photo.

Crop tool

Herramienta de recorte

I use the crop tool to cut my images

Healing brush tool

Herramienta de pincel corrector

The healing tool in Photoshop and can be used to clone areas from an image and blend the pixels from the

Brush tool


The brush tool is used to paint the images

Clone stamp tool

Tapon de clonar

The clone stamp tool is used to clonate parts of your image

Eraser tool

Herramineta de borrar

When you made a mistake, you need to use the eraser tool

Gradient tool

Herraminenta gradiente

I forgot to use the gradient tool

Blur tool

Herramienta de desenfonque

The Blur tool in Photoshop Elements can be used for both repair and more artistic endeavors

Bog tool

Herramienta de Bog

The bog tool is used in photoshop

Path selecting tool

Herramienta de seleccion de trazo

The selection and paths tools are the workhorses of Photoshop CS6

Horizontal type tool

Herramienta de tipo horizontal

The Horizontal Type Tool creates and edits vector-based text in a separate layer

Pen tool

Herramienta de pluma

This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to use the pen tool

Rectangle tool

Herramienta de rectangulo

The rectangle tool is used to select part of the image

Eye dropper tool

Herramienta cuenta gotas

Instant Eyedropper is a free color detection tool for webmasters that will identify and automatically paste to the clipboard the HTML color code

Hand tool

Herramienta de mano

Hand tool is any tool that is not a power tool

Zoom tool

Herramienta de Zoom

When you need to see more, use the Zoom Tool


Excution type

Tipo de exclusion

I hate that kind of execution type

Slice of advertisement

Rebanada de publicidad

I love this slice of advertisement

Lifestyle advertisement

Anuncios de estilos de vida

My favorite announcements  are the lifestyle advertisement

Associate the product

Asociacion del producto

Product Marketing Associate Jobs available in New York

Hopes and dreams

Esperanzas y sueños

You never Stop fighting for your hopes and dreams

Fantasy advertisement

Anuncio de fantasia

I hate the fantasy advertisement

Mood or image

Estadon de animo de la imagen

The mood is sad in the image

Scientific appeal

Apelacion cientifica

This announcement has a scientific appeal

Testimonial advertisement

Anuncio testimonial

This announcement has a testimonial advertisement



Formato de compresión de imágen limitado a 256 colores

I love the GIF´s that my Friends share on facebook


Formato de compresión de imágenes

When I use Photoshop I save my Works as a JPG image


Es el formato de imagen de los datos obtenidos directamente del sensor CCD

When no one was around, they went swimming in the raw.


Formato de imagen de mapa de bits

Idont like the BMP images


Formato nativo de photoshop y permite guardar todas las presentaciones, retoques, nuevas creaciones realizadas con este programa

If I didn’t finish my work in Photoshop I save as a PSD


Conjunto de prácticas disciplinadas para la gestión del tiempo y mejora de la productividad personal de los programadores o ingenieros de software, en tareas de desarrollo y mantenimiento de sistemas, mediante el seguimiento del desempeño predicho frente al desempeño real

Is there a way to surf the web on the PSP and save pictures to a folder on the memory stick?


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