- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  30 de Marzo de 2016  •  Trabajo  •  721 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  98 Visitas

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  1. How does the teacher try to deal with Charles’ behaviour?

Charles’ behaviour is really bad at the beggining. He was so fresh with the teacher, he also hit the teacher and he also make others behaviour change. For these reasons, the teacher hit him, she also make him stay more in class after school and she punish him to stay during the recess.

  1. If you were a teacher, how would you deal with Charles?

I think the best option isn’t to kick the student, because then you are introducing a bad behaviour between the kids. Nonetheless, I think that the teacher have to be prepared for those ocasions where the kids’ behaviour is too bad. So then the teacher can act immediatly to correct their behaviour. So if I was a teacher, I would make Charles to copy everyday what he have done wrong or what’s more I would punish him without playing with his friends at the break time and also I would punish him wthout those things he like the most.

  1. How would you describe Laurie and his parents?

First of all, I think that Laurie’s parents are a bit fool because their son can cheat them with his behaviour in class everday making them realise that there’s a Charles in his class whose behaviour is very bad. Laurie is a troublemaker because his behaviour in class and also at home is bad but according to the text he si also a swindler.

  1. At what point did you start to suspect that Laurie was Charles?

I have had to read the text twice because at the first time I didn’t understand the text but in the fisrt reading I started realising that Laurie was Charles when the teacher says that there’s nobody in the class whose name is Charles. Then in the second reading I understand it clearly.

  1. Find at least 2 examples of irony.

The first example of irony we can find is this: “Bpund to be people like Charles in the world. Might as well meet them now as later.” In this example they are talking about Laurie without knowing that is Charlie.

The second example of irony that we can find is this:“And so all the children stayed to watch him.” In this example Laurie is telling their parents why he arrived late and he’s answer is that Charlie was punished by the teacher so all the other students stayed watching the scene.

  1. What are the topics of this story? Choose 2 and justify your answer.

In this story there are two topics. The first one is related to the behaviour in class and what the teachers had to support in some cases, but also in the other way around. The second one is related with the lies that many children say to their parents because they are afraid to be punished by them at home.


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