Enviado por krayola24 • 2 de Julio de 2014 • 468 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 248 Visitas
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- Reading 1 -
“Heroes of the elements”
Habitat: She only lives near places where she can find water.
Eating habits: Her diet consists of fish and green plants. She
also has a big appetite!
Special features:
She can swim very fast.
She can turn into water.
She can catch fish with her hands.
She can climb.
She can’t walk long distances because her legs are short.
Habitat: He needs to live in really hot places.
Eating habits: His favourite food is a Mexican fajita with red
hot chilli peppers.
Special features:
He can run very fast but he can’t swim at all.
He loves to climb up trees.
He can walk long distances without eating or drinking.
He is very strong.
Habitat: She lives at the top of the mountains and tall trees.
Eating habits: She really enjoys light dishes, such as salads
and grilled vegetables.
Special features:
She can fly like a super-sonic airplane!
She can dive in the water very quickly but she can’t swim.
She can’t walk for too long but she can jump over all type
of objects.
Habitat: He likes to live near the ground.
Eating habits: He loves meat but doesn’t like fish or
vegetables very much.
Special features:
He can walk or run any distance.
He can run 300 m in 5 seconds!
He can catch small animals.
He doesn’t like climbing or flying too high.
He can see in the dark.
9. Which hero can swim and climb?
A. Water Girl can.
B. Fire Boy can.
C. Air Girl can.
D. Earth Boy can.
10. Which hero can fly very fast and jump over things?
A. Water Girl can.
B. Fire Boy can.
C. Air Girl can.