- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

El Amor De Una Madre

Enviado por   •  1 de Junio de 2012  •  1.168 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  1.341 Visitas

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The Love of a Mother

A Mother's love is something

that no on can explain,

It is made of deep devotion

and of sacrifice and pain

It is endless and unselfish

and enduring come what may

For nothing can destroy it

or take that love away

It is patient and forgiving

when all others are forsaking,

And it never fails or falters

even though the heart is breaking

It believes beyond believing

when the world around condemns,

And it glows with all the beauty

of the rarest, brightest gems

It is far beyond defining,

it defies all explanation,

And it still remains a secret

like the mysteries of creation

A many splendor miracle

man cannot understand

And another wondrous evidence

of God's tender guiding hand.

El amor de una Madre

El amor de una madre es algo

que no se puede explicar en,

Está hecho de profunda devoción

y de sacrificio y el dolor

Es infinito y desinteresado

y soportar lo que venga

Porque nada puede destruirlo

o tomar ese amor

Es paciente y comprensivo

cuando todos los demás están abandonando,

Y nunca falla, o falla

aunque el corazón se rompe

Se cree que más allá de creer

cuando el mundo alrededor de condena,

Y ya que brilla con toda la belleza

de los más raros, los más brillantes gemas

Es mucho más allá de la definición,

que desafía toda explicación,

Y todavía sigue siendo un secreto

al igual que los misterios de la creación

Un milagro esplendor de muchas

el hombre no puede entender

Y una prueba más maravillosa

de la oferta de la mano de Dios guía.

Phrases for my mother

(1) There is no perfect mother, but there are a million ways to be a good mother.

(2) The heart of a mother is the capital that never breaks, and which may have provided at all times safely.

(3) A mother is the power of love and grace goes and pays all the forces of evil.

(4) A man loves his first love more than any other, his wife better than anyone, and his mother loves her longer than anyone.

(5) Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.

(6) The father and son are two. The mother and son are one.

(7) Mother: the most beautiful word spoken by man.

(8) Many wonders in the world, but the masterpiece is the maternal heart.

(9) The most beautiful sounds that humans can hear out of mothers, of heaven and home.

(10) never find tenderness in life better and more disinterested than that of your mother.

(11) Mothers in your hands you have the world's salvation.

(12) The heart of a mother is a deep abyss which will always find forgiveness.

(13) Mothers always forgive, have come into the world for that.

(14) Govern a family is almost as difficult as govern a whole kingdom.

(15) The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.

(16) The child recognizes his mother's smile.

(17) Motherhood is the heritage of women.

(18) Motherhood is the reason for the woman, her role, her joy, her safeguard.

(19) The angels sing in heavenly tone if they speak of love in all its tenderness reminiscent of the mother, the angelic being.

(20) Mother is the name of God on the lips and hearts of children.

(21) Until I became a mother, I did not understand what God is.

(22) piety taught by mothers is like a fragrant essence, which remains locked in the heart of the child.



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