- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

English Exam

Enviado por   •  29 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Examen  •  641 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  161 Visitas

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Name : _____________________________________ Date: ___________ Group : ______Grade :_____


  1. Read the story carefully:

     The wolfman is a werewolf : half man and half beast. The werewolf was first discovered in Transylvania. He is a normal human by day, and most nights. But when the moon is full, its light changes him quickly into a hairy, savage monster that eats his victims. The bite of a werewolf will turn you into one too! The only thing that can kill a wolfman is a silver bullet through the heart.

  1. Read the questions and write the correct answer in a complete sentence and remember to use capitals and periods.
  1. Is the story talking about Pennsylvania’s catwoman? ______________


  1. What is the only thing that can kill the beast?


  1. When the moon is full, this human changes into what?


  1. Which two words are synonyms?

_______________________________  and  _____________________________

  1. Write a paragraph describing what you know about werewolves.


  1. Draw a picture of a creature half human and half beast:


  1. Use the word bank to fill in the blanks.

question   Sentences   Period   question   phrase  exclamation   command   request   capital    statement

  1. A ____________ is a group of words missing either a subject or a verb, or both.
  2. The ____________ mark is used to end a question.
  3. _______________ are a group of words that express a complete thought and contains a subject and a verb.
  4. If you are asking someone to do something, you are using a ___________________.
  5. “Your friend is very rude.” Is an example of a  ____________________.
  6. Sentences always begin with a _________________ letter.
  7. An ________________ point is used to end and exclamatory sentence.
  8. “How are you today?” This sentence is a _______________________.
  9. A sentence that orders someone to do something is a ________________.
  10. It is used to end a statement: ____________________.
  1. Underline the complete subject and circle the predicate.[pic 1]
  1. The mean and green leprechaun ate all the dandelions.
  2. My sweet sister cooked some scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast.
  3. Tina sang all the way from school to the theater.
  1. Rewrite the sentences correctly. Using the proper punctuation and capitalization.
  1. alaska is not a country


  1. teacher guerra teacher flavio and teacher Samuel are all Men,


  1. wow/ she is the best mom on earth


  1. Write the plurals of the following nouns:
  1. dog _________                8. tree __________                9. fish __________

10. fox _________                11. thief _________                12. wolf ________


  1.  Write the correct nouns.






  1. Listen to your teacher for the following dictation. Use your best writing.
  1. ___________________
  2. ___________________
  3. ___________________
  4. ___________________
  5. ___________________

Write 5 words from the spelling list of unit 1 that end with the letter “Y”


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