Estudio de un caso, Etica
Enviado por cecyachece960306 • 5 de Septiembre de 2018 • Ensayo • 2.501 Palabras (11 Páginas) • 216 Visitas
Semestre Enero – Julio 2018
In the majority of the semesters in our career, the subjects we had learn us about how to management, encourage and another concepts to teach and treat our students, but specifically in this subject “Ethics of the education” is so grateful to discover the rules or the benefits, like teacher and student has in the classroom and also the school.
To distinguish between concepts like what is the right and what is the wrong, the values, the moral we had as a humans. Those values help us to be better person, student, teacher,etc. Another important think we know to teach and teach into a classroom are the morals, because there are linked also to the good and bad. But in generally, Ethics include medial Ethics, advertising ethics, and the most important the educational ethics, because we can apply it to almost everything. A teacher who study ethics help a lot to the students, because in this subject we discovered some basic needs so them, also cases to guide us to analyse the variables of how to find the solutions with different points of view of different situations could happen in many cases in the classroom or with the students, etc. In this final paper we investigate a case that actually could happen in the classroom or a big problem between teacher and student. We present a situation that the teacher desenvolve an important role in the case, but also the students has another part in this situation. But the most important tools are the Internet; we talk about what was the principal problem, their consequences and what was the result of this situation. Also we express how can solve that with the knowledge we acquire among the semester.
For this paper we choose to analyze a video in where a teacher who was offended by two of her students is taking actions over this and giving them a lesson about ethic values and the consequences of their actions in social network. This incident happened 5 years ago and it took place in a School bachelor's degree CBTis 103 in Madero, Tamaulipas.
This event caused a lot of controversy in Mexico, since in less than one week the video already had almost 3 million views on YouTube, as we already mention this case has a very strong impact because of social networks, is equally important to know that this situation has different points of views, versions, and very different opinions.
To analyze the case it is also essential to know how things happened according to the perspective we all have through social networks, and how it happened according to the teacher and the people involved in the video. In the video we can see the teacher is starting to give a lesson about ethics values and social networks, as a regular class, but this time there where students recording what the teacher is saying, also the students participated and answer what the teacher ask, a student name Marina is asked by the teacher to read a paper sheet with information about social networks, then the teacher asked her to say what social network is missing in the information, she mentions that Twitter wasn’t there; It is important to know that Twitter was the social network used by the student Marina and Grimaldo to offended the teacher Idalia.
Thereupon the students where asked if they have twitter, even the teacher admitted that she has twitter, and that Marina has twitter, and she has been using twitter to post offending things about Teacher Idalia, and about her classmates; The teacher very angry and disappointed told to the rest of the class what Mariana wrote about her, and all the feelings and shames that she went through because of this post, the teacher defended herself and she I scold them, using not hurting words to make them feel ashamed and make them know all the angrier she felt.
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We as only viewers don’t know all the background in this situation, what we may see is an strict teacher, may be a bad teacher, or overacting teacher, but in this case Ms Idalia is known in her community as a very good teacher, she also has a high educational level with a master degree, her students appreciate her so much because of her teaching style, and show respect for her. According to Marina’s actions we may think she is a bad kid, an unrespectful student, or misbehavior kid, otherwise Marina was a very well behave student, she also was the class president, the relationship between Ms Idalia and Marina was good, the teacher told in an interview that Marina and she had have a good communication and she always was in charge of the group, being so responsible and mature, Ms Idalia doesn’t expected this behavior from Marina. The teacher Idalia was accused in social networks to be a bad teacher, to have no moral to did what she did, her actions were questioned, if she made the right thing exposing the students in that way, but what we don’t know is that she asked to the students to recorded the lesson in order to show it only to the principal, the intention never was to post it online, one of the students without permission upload the video on YouTube and it got viral instantly.
As a result of this situation there were consequences to the teacher and the students, The Idalia teacher went through an investigation, and at the end the authorities decided to remove Mrs. Idalia from classrooms and reassign her to administrative work. The students Mariana and Grimaldo were assigned to another school.
Indira Maleny Ayala Lopez
My reflection
We choose this case because nowadays we as teacher are exposed to this kind of situations, because social media become very popular around us. According to the book people want to see teachers as perfect humans no mistakes, no life out of school etc. But the reality is that we are human beings, we have family, we have friends we like to hang out and to have fun. The problem is that social media make public our private life.