- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Etapa 1. Every action has consequences. Actividad de Metacognición: Role Play

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Etapa 1. Every action has consequences.

Actividad de Metacognición: Role Play 

Profesor(a): Cristina P. Martínez Treviño

B.T. en Terapia Respiratoria         Grupo: 316

Equipo 1




Vázquez Hernández Jimena Celina


Castillo Díaz Daniela


Coronado Ortiz Daniela Joselyn


Castañeda Silva Axel Eduardo


Herrera Cortés Sonia Alicia


Fraga Pintor Diego Armando


Valenciano Ruiz Paulina


A 05 de septiembre de 2017.

  1. Read the following short dialogues. Write the everyday situation each one refers to: a health problem, house chores, school activities, work activities, recreational activities, or accidents.

Dialogue 1

Susan: I want to go to the movies to laugh.

Peter: If you want to laugh, you may want to watch a comedy film.

Everyday situation: Recreational activities.

Dialogue 2

Rick: I ate too much last night. I don’t feel well.

Bob: You can drink some Chamomile tea if you have a stomach ache.

Everyday situation: A health problem.

Dialogue 3

Carol: I have to call many customers but I need to get home early.

Wade: If you want to leave, you might call just a few customers today.

Everyday situations: Work activities.

Dialogue 4

Daughter: I’m going out with Tony tonight, but I have to do the dishes and dress up.

Mom: You should do the dishes first if you don’t want to get dirty.

Everyday situation: House chores.

  1. Write a dialogue that includes all the team members.

Jimena: Well, we have to organize, what are we going to do this weekend to see us?

Paulina: I really want to see a movie with you guys.

Sonia: In Saturday or Sunday? I have to ask permission…

Diego: I think Saturday, because it's Saturday of 2x1 in Cinepolis. If we go on Saturday, we can take better advantage of the offer.


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