- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Föhnseher (Julian Oliver)

Enviado por   •  27 de Noviembre de 2013  •  599 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  287 Visitas

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Föhnseher rises from the scrap heap of analog TV. Unlike other televisions, Föhnseher captures and displays images downloaded by people on surrounding local wireless networks.

Other people’s phones, laptops and tablet computers all become broadcast stations for this device, replacing the forgotten television towers of old.


By Julian Oliver

ioq3aPaint began in 2002/3 with a project called q3aPaint, which sought to explore the possibilities of using a video game (in this case QuakeIII Arena) as an automatic painting system. Exploiting a ‘redraw’ glitch in the game, and introducing a variety of modified software bots, combat in the arena was transformed into a lush gestural field of painterly brush-strokes and impacting colour.

Both painting and abstract graph of action, the results seeded research into a second iteration, ioq3aPaint, developed as part of my work as Resident Artist at Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, America. With this new version every lunge, turn and act of injury manifests as a unique and energetic mark as the agents hunt each other in perpetuity.

Six Composite Acts

By Julian Oliver

Video with digital insertions, MMX Gallery, Berlin, 2010

I was asked to contribute a work to MMX gallery’s Exhibition III. Rather than bringing an existing piece I visited the site and recorded six imaginary interactions with the gallery’s interior courtyard. I then inserted digital sculptural elements that ‘completed’ these actions, resulting in an alternate reality of the site.

Four Interrupted Carparks

Julian Oliver

Site Specific Digital Insertions

Four carparks in Madrid are interrupted with a geometric primitive. My fascination with the dry concrete, strong shadows, underground carparks and rather unique light in Madrid resulted in a series of digital ‘insertions’.

Modeling, compositing, rendering and editing performed with Blender for Linux.

The Atocha 24 Insertions

By Julian Oliver

Atocha 24 is the address of the 1500m2 building for this edition of Hambre, an old art deco market in the heart of the city, soon to be torn down. I chose to insert digital forms inspired by elements of the building and exhibit the result.

I took footage of the site without a tripod or image stabilisation on a Canon HF10 in Shutter priority mode (TV 50) with a WD-H37C wide angle lens. I later match-moved it and, using Blender 2.49, for Linux I created the sculptural elements, cleaned up the camera track, added masks and composited them into the video using Blender’s own VSE.


Augmented Reality, Spatial Memory Game, 2007/2008

levelHead is a spatial memory game by Julian Oliver, developed at the end of 2007, beginning 2008. The game uses a hand-held solid-plastic cube as its only interface.


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