Five On A Treasure Island
Enviado por sommer2000 • 11 de Febrero de 2014 • 227 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 187 Visitas
Who? Where? – when? What? – why? vocabulary
Chapter 1
Page 4- 11 Julian , Daddy , mother, Anne ,Dick , Fanny and Georgian Home and Kirrin Gottage
Juliana goes with his brothers to a holiday island because his father have a business work. Frown :ceño
Delighted: encantado
Bay: bahía
Chapter 2
Page 12-19 Anne , Georgian, aunt ( Fanny) , uncle(Quentin) , Dick , Julian and George
Kirrin Gottage Anne meets her cousin Georgian and George because he live in the island. Naughty :travieso
Spanking :nalgada
Rude :grosero
chapter 3
Page 20-27
George, Dick , Julian , aunt (Fanny) , Georgina ,Anne , Timothy Kirrin island , Kirrin castle , kirrin Gottage
George and tell the children that the island have a treasure, also known to timothy Pup :cachorro
Tide :marea
Calm :calmar
Awful :horrible
Wag :menear
Chapter 4
Page 28-32 George , Anne, Timothy , Julian , Dick
Kirrin island George and Georgina shows them the island and they see a boat.
Sharp :afilado
Harbor :Puerto
Deck :cubiefrta
Chapter 5
Page 33-41 Aunt (Fanny) , George, Anne, Julian, Dick, Timothy
Kirrin island The three children went to the island, but met the castle after they rained a lot.
Dungeon: calabozo
Rumble :retumabar
Thunder :trueno
Crash :choque
Chapter 6
Page 42-49 George , Julian, Dick , Anne , aunt (Fanny) , Timothy, uncle (Quentin)
Kirrin island , under wader , home Children went to the island to find the treasure that was on the boat but found only empty boxes.
Wreck : naufragio
Creep : arrastrarse
Torch :linterna
Shellfish :mariscos
Hammer: martillo