- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  6 de Abril de 2015  •  523 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  488 Visitas

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1. How does a typeface create a mood, feeling or image? Can you describe an occasion when you had a particular reaction to something in print, not because of the content, but because of the typeface?

R= A type face creates a mood, and expression, a way to see thing around you different way. When I was in Spain I buy a book that catch my attention because of the letter, was simply, and very feminine.

2. In HELVETICA, designer Richard Poyner says, “The designer has an enormous responsibility” as the person who is “putting wires into our heads.” What does he mean? How would you define that responsibility?

R= a designer has the key to transmit a mood, in the way that the reader can interpret the objective of what is creating. This means that it has to do a good work to reach the objective.

3. Think of the font you most commonly use when working on your computer. Which one is it and why do you use that one?

R= constantly I use times new roman because my professors required me when I have a paperwork, but I do not like that font.

4. American designer David Carson says, “Don’t confuse legibility with communication.” What does he mean? What’s the difference between them?

R= that not because is legibility doesn’t mean that has to communicate something. The type of font that you use is apart sometimes of what you try to reach.

5. How is design an expression of the times? How does politics affect the art of design?

R= that can past time and that expression can persist always, and Helvetica stills transmitting messages after more than 50 years. In politics is everywhere used.

6. What is your reaction to the grunge style of type and design? Why do you think you respond that way?

R=that is not a serious style, it may be used in especial occasions, for some street sport. I respond with certain reject, I prefer something clean, to the point, and simple. This style looks very misaligned.

7. Imagine that the post office, your local bank or other government or corporate entity whose signage is familiar to you started using a different typeface. How would that change their image or your feeling about that business or organization?

R= that they are not happy in what they have, and they want change. In certain way I’m agree because a change is good, but not always work for some places. As a client for certain place I’m related with the logo they have, and I will feel confuse, and maybe not secure.

8. What might you take away from this film in terms of possible effects on your work or other aspects of your daily life?

R= that a font that I have to use I not are not just black letter but is a white space, and that creates a beautiful structure.

9. What changes, if any, has this film made in how you think about


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