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History of Scientific Administration

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Name: Helem Avilés

C.I.P: 8-888-2007

Time Line

History of Scientific Administration

JUL, 1841

Henry fayol

Engineer and theorist of business administration. He presented his ideas in the work Industrial and General Administration, published in France in 1916. Fayol, using a positivist methodology, consisting of observing the facts, making experiences and extracting rules, developed an administrative model of great rigor for his time.

AUG, 1856

Frederick taylor

Father of the administration. He devised the scientific organization of work, Frederick Taylor extracted the idea of ​​analyzing the work, decomposing it into simple tasks, worrying about efficiency in productivity and the development of employees applying the scientific method.

DEC, 1930

Mary Parker Follet

He made notable contributions to administrative thinking, where he is placed in the branch known as the School of Human Relations, by focusing on the participation of workers in the organization and on common goals with executives or what has been done in the past. call Participatory Management.

DEC, 1954

Peter Ferdinan Druker

The Neoclassical Theory arose in the 50s, neoclassical authors do not properly form a defined school, but a heterogeneous movement, which receives the denominations of Operational School or process.

DEC, 1960

Abraham Maslow

He presented a very simple way of conceiving the needs of a person. The Hierarchy of Needs directs needs from the lowest and most basic levels to the highest levels

MAY, 1861

Henry Gantt

He was a disciple of Frederick Winslow Taylor. His most important research focused on the control and planning of productive operations through the use of graphic techniques, including the so-called Gantt chart. He showed a special interest in the human aspect in a practical way.

JUN, 1863

Hugo munsterberg

Pioneer of applied psychology, he laid the foundations of industrial psychology. Münsterberg linked the skills of new employees with the demands of the organization's work. Münsterberg's psychology and industrial efficiency were directly related to the proposals of Taylorism. Creation of the field of industrial psychology, initiation of a system of tests and measures of psychological differences.

JUL, 1868

Franky gilbreth

Together with his wife they were important defenders of scientific administration. They were pioneers in using film technology to analyze tasks.


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