The administration of fluoride as a preventive element
Enviado por Tatiana Londoño • 15 de Mayo de 2016 • Trabajo • 3.316 Palabras (14 Páginas) • 340 Visitas
Title: Fluoride
Chemistry 1004 Laboratory Name: Tatiana Londono Jimenez
Date: 11/13/2015
Abstract: The administration of fluoride as a preventive element and is the most effective procedure to prevent dental cavities.
At the present time, fluoride with preventive purposes conveys through water fluoride, tablets, drops, mouthwash, gels and toothpaste with fluoride, which have proved the most effective anti-cavities.
The majority of the people related the fluoride dental with hygiene, because it exists in toothpastes, mouth rinses and even chewing gum. Whose manufacturers use as claim its presence to prevent decay.
It was in 1945 when in the United States began to add fluoride to drinking water, to prevent tooth decay. Then, many countries followed the instance. Today a significant percentage of the world's population is consuming fluoride every day without knowing it. in Europe, however the majority of the countries decided to suspend or prohibit the fluoridation, such as Germany, France, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark. Holland, Austria, Czech Republic, Belgium and Luxembourg; but not Spain, which is one of the very few that decided to follow the U.S. instance.
In addition, we should consider unnecessary metabolic work because our bodies have to metabolize more fluoride than the fluoride which would be sufficient to cover the preventive objectives. The intake of fluoride for extended periods, during the formation of teeth, produces a series of clinical changes, ranging from the appearance of thin white lines, to structural defects, serious, appearing a pathologic piece known as dental fluorosis.
In Colombian public dental health officers said that due to cultural and socioeconomic reasons, children belonging to the low socioeconomic status have less access to fluoridated toothpastes than children of higher socioeconomic status.
The Orthodontic service (Foundation Jimenez Díaz, Madrid), said that the recommendation for children older than 3 years that have a high-risk (do not reside in areas of water fluoride) of cavities, is the individualized administration of 0.50 to 1.00 mg of NaF (Sodium Fluoride) in oral tablet, sometimes supplemented with other topical action fluoridated products. Even though, the tendency in recent decades is the overdosing of fluoride; in many cases dependent on the simultaneous application of multiple usages of fluoride. These guidelines, justified in individuals with high risk of cavities, can cause dental fluorosis in children, a progressive anomaly in the teeth varnish which occurs as a result of the excessive ingestion of fluoride during baby teeth.
The daily fluoride dose obtained by dividing the 24-hour fluoride excretion body weight by the average fractional urinary fluoride excretion value for this age group would facilitate making useful comparisons with the generally accepted fluoride dose: 0.05 -0.07 mg F/day/kg body weight in order to minimize the risk of varnish fluorosis.
The effect that can have fluoride on the teeth development is so negative that the American Dental Association and the Center for Disease Control and prevention's claim that parents should not give their children fluoridated water.
- Introduction: Fluoride is a mineral that is part of the compound sodium fluoride
which is added to tap water (to protect the entire population of the deficit). Its symbol is F and atomic number 9. It has discovered that the fluoride is deposited in the bones and teeth. Fluorides are important to prevent the demineralization of the bones. The fluoridation of water has confirmed to be an effective way to prevent the deterioration of denture, reducing it to almost 40%.
Some scientists said that it only works when there is water consumed is especially deficient in fluoride. In some countries such as Switzerland, decades ago they stopped to fluoride the water and in other countries, such as Belgium, have withdrawn from the market all products enriched with Fluoride like chewing gum, tablets, dental rinses or mouthwashes.
Fluoride is highly advisable to prevent tooth decay. This product provides three benefits to teeth: Increases the resistance of the enamel, is antibacterial, i.e. that it acts against the growth of bacteria that produce scale, and allows to remineralize the enamel layer. The severity of the changes depends on the amount of fluoride intake.
Dental fluorosis is an irreversible condition caused by excessive ingestion of fluoride during tooth formation. It is the first visible sign that a child has been expose to fluoride. It is a condition that appears as the result of ingestion of too much fluoride during tooth development period, usually from which is born until six to eight years.
In addition, children with dental fluorosis had more prevalence of cavities. Fluorosis can be mild to grave, depending on how much you have been exposed to fluorides during the development of teeth. The mild dental fluorosis is usually characterized by the appearance of small white spots on the teeth. Individuals with serious dental fluorosis teeth, the teeth marked with spots. Children with dental fluorosis tend to have cavities.
The main symptoms of severe intoxication with fluoride are: chronic fatigue, headache, dry throat, irritability of the urinary tract, muscular weakness, spasms, tickling in hands and feet, nausea, rashes, loss of mental perception, nervousness, dizziness, depression, and visual disturbances.
In many countries there are toothpastes specially formulated for children under six years, which contain less fluoride than adult toothpastes, but is very important to bring the kid to control with the dentist every six months, to control the consumption of NaF.
The age of greatest risk where fluorosis can occur in permanent anterior teeth, is between a year and a half and three years of age, usually permanent teeth erupt between six and seven years of age. At these age children do not fully understand the Act of brushing their teeth and spit it out, usually the child swallowed mixture increasing the daily dose of fluoride for their age. The child gets Fluoride, through food, water, toothpaste and vitamin supplements.
Exist three types of fluorosis: The first is a mild dental fluorosis, there are streaks or lines across the surface of the tooth; the second is a moderate dental fluorosis, where teeth are highly resistant to tooth decay, but have opaque white spots; and the third is a severe dental fluorosis, varnish is brittle and they can be very visible Brown stains on the teeth.
Fluoride is responsible for other problems in addition to tooth deterioration. Dental fluorosis in a condition caused by fluoride, this condition is presented with white or brown spots on the teeth, and can also be responsible for the destruction of tooth. Dental fluorosis is typically caused by exposure of the teeth to fluoride from birth to age eight.