Enviado por paangaflo • 17 de Junio de 2012 • 5.693 Palabras (23 Páginas) • 658 Visitas
Why do we never have time to do it right, but always have time to do it over?
ADP is a paradigm shift and a mindset. It is an approach to software development
and management infl uenced by three distinct yet related factors:
1. The need for new and effective methodologies focusing on improving
product quality
2. The fact that in today’s complex world of perpetual change, sophisticated
technology that assists software development must be an intrinsic part
of project and process management, not just an add-on feature
3. An understanding of the broad spectrum of human factors affecting
modern software development, in particular the psychology of
ADP principles and practices are based on research combined with 20 years
of experience managing internal software projects, working with thousands of
customers, and dealing with software defects on a daily basis. ADP evolved
Automated Defect Prevention: Best Practices in Software Management, by Dorota Huizinga
and Adam Kolawa
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
from the approach called Automated Error Prevention (AEP) [1], used and
practiced by Parasoft Corporation. Both adaptable and fl exible, ADP can be
applied to either existing or new projects, and it can be introduced as an extension
to any iterative and incremental software process model. When used with
a new project, ADP provides a best-practice guide to defi ning a software development
process and managing a project.
Software has become one of the most pervasive components of our lives.
Our unprecedented dependence on it ranges from keeping track of our calendars
and fi nancial records to controlling electronic devices in our automobiles,
pacemakers, and a host of other applications. Yet few other goods are
delivered to market with more defects than software products. This is because
there are now more opportunities than ever for defects to be injected into
software under development. For example, a typical enterprise system nowadays
encompasses many complex multitier applications and is often a precarious
combination of old and new technologies, such as legacy systems wrapped
as web services and integrated with newer components through a serviceoriented
architecture. At each layer there are possibilities for making mistakes,
and a simple defect in one component can ripple throughout the system,
causing far-reaching and diffi cult-to-diagnose problems. Additionally, today’s
most common method of verifying system quality is through testing at the end
of the life cycle. Unfortunately, this “quality through testing” approach is not
only resource-intensive, but also largely ineffective. Since most of the time the
number of possible states to be tested is prohibitively large [2], testing often
leaves many system states untested, waiting only to reveal previously undetected
defects at the most unexpected moment.
Thus, ADP takes an alternative approach of comprehensive defect prevention
by modifying the development process in the entire software life cycle [3]
to reduce opportunities for mistakes. In essence, ADP helps development
teams prevent software faults by learning from their own mistakes and the
mistakes of others. In order to achieve this, ADP describes a blueprint for life
cycle defect prevention in its set of principles, practices, and policies.
At the heart of ADP lies its infrastructure, which defi nes the roles of
people, required technology, and interactions of people with technology. This
infrastructure facilitates both the implementation and sustainability of ADP
processes through automation of repetitive, error-prone tasks and by automatic
verifi cation of error-preventive practices. This infrastructure also assists
in the seamless collection of project-related data that is used for making
informed management decisions. Thus, in ADP, the technology infrastructure,
together with policies guiding its use, becomes an intrinsic part of project and
process management.
However, no management approach can be effective unless it is based on
an understanding of human nature, and aims at creating an environment that
provides job satisfaction. This is particularly important in software development,
an intellectually challenging task in itself, that is complicated by seemingly
endless industry change that requires constant learning. ADP’s
automation of tedious, repetitive, and mundane tasks combined with gradual,
step-by-step introduction of new practices is an attempt to stimulate effective
learning and perhaps even help achieve a highly increased sense of satisfaction
by entering a peak of mental concentration called “fl ow” [4].
In the next section of this chapter, we will describe the goals that we set
forth for ADP. This will be followed by a high-level overview of ADP’s principles,
practices, and policies. The last section will delineate the relationship
between ADP and modern software development.
The development of ADP was triggered by the need for effective methodologies
that counter poor software quality, with its resulting high costs and operational
ineffi ciencies. However, the high complexity of modern software
development coupled with continuous changes of technology and short time
to market pose a set of unique challenges not found in other industries. To
address these challenges, we have defi ned and addressed the goals for each
category of the software project management [5] spectrum, concentrating not
only on the four Ps suggested by Pressman [6]—people, product, process, and
project—but on the organization as an entirety.
In subsequent sections, we will explain the primary ADP goals for each of
the above categories and the motivation for each goal. (See Figure 1.1.)
1.2.1 People: Stimulated and Satisfi ed
People are the most important resource in an organization, as they are the
sole source of creativity and intellectual power. As much as we strive to defi ne
processes and methods to be people independent, people will