- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

How Children Make Progress In Their Understanding

Enviado por   •  27 de Abril de 2014  •  343 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  360 Visitas

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1000 words


Making progress in children’s mathematical understanding: an International comparison. Discuss the similarities and differences of how primary aged children make progress in their mathematical understanding in both Spain and the UK.


 Compare key features of educational practice in both Spain and the UK

o What do teachers do in both countries to make sure that children make progress in their mathematical understanding?

o Are there any common features, practices or approaches?

o Are there any aspects that illustrate contrasting practices?

 Please refer to mathematics based literature (UK and Spain). Please translate any quotations from Spanish or paraphrase them into your own words and reference (this would demonstrate a better academic style of writing)

 When discussing the mathematics please be as specific as possible about the precise aspect of mathematics you are discussing.

 Please refer to any classroom practices that you have noticed in either country. You could consider...

o How pupils are grouped?

o What kinds of activities they are asked to do?

o How the teacher interacts with the children

o The role of assessment

o The kinds of resources children have access to

o How teachers respond to children’s mistakes and errors

UK Literature starting points:

• Bottle, G. et al (2005) Teaching mathematics in the primary school Continuum: London

• Haylock, D. (2010) Mathematics explained for primary teachers Sage: London

• Galton, M. (2007) Learning and teaching in the primary classroom Sage: London

• Mooney, C. et al (2010) Primary mathematics: teaching theory and practice Learning Matters: Exeter

• Hansen, A (2008) Extending Knowledge in practice: Primary mathematics Learning Matters: Exeter

You should demonstrate

• knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established principles of progression in children’s learning, and of the way in which those principles have developed;

• an awareness of assessing children’s learning in mathematics including a consideration of children’s possible misconceptions and how this informs planning for effective teaching

• an awareness of a range of appropriate pedagogical strategies in the teaching of primary mathematics

• personal knowledge and understanding of the mathematics involved,

• an ability to apply personal knowledge of mathematics to analyse progression in children’s mathematical learning

• an ability to reflect upon and analyse mathematics teaching and make suggestions for improvement

• to effectively communicate information, arguments and analysis about mathematics education


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