How Children Make Progress In Their Understanding
Enviado por iru88 • 27 de Abril de 2014 • 343 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 360 Visitas
1000 words
Making progress in children’s mathematical understanding: an International comparison. Discuss the similarities and differences of how primary aged children make progress in their mathematical understanding in both Spain and the UK.
Compare key features of educational practice in both Spain and the UK
o What do teachers do in both countries to make sure that children make progress in their mathematical understanding?
o Are there any common features, practices or approaches?
o Are there any aspects that illustrate contrasting practices?
Please refer to mathematics based literature (UK and Spain). Please translate any quotations from Spanish or paraphrase them into your own words and reference (this would demonstrate a better academic style of writing)
When discussing the mathematics please be as specific as possible about the precise aspect of mathematics you are discussing.
Please refer to any classroom practices that you have noticed in either country. You could consider...
o How pupils are grouped?
o What kinds of activities they are asked to do?
o How the teacher interacts with the children
o The role of assessment
o The kinds of resources children have access to
o How teachers respond to children’s mistakes and errors
UK Literature starting points:
• Bottle, G. et al (2005) Teaching mathematics in the primary school Continuum: London
• Haylock, D. (2010) Mathematics explained for primary teachers Sage: London
• Galton, M. (2007) Learning and teaching in the primary classroom Sage: London
• Mooney, C. et al (2010) Primary mathematics: teaching theory and practice Learning Matters: Exeter
• Hansen, A (2008) Extending Knowledge in practice: Primary mathematics Learning Matters: Exeter
You should demonstrate
• knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established principles of progression in children’s learning, and of the way in which those principles have developed;
• an awareness of assessing children’s learning in mathematics including a consideration of children’s possible misconceptions and how this informs planning for effective teaching
• an awareness of a range of appropriate pedagogical strategies in the teaching of primary mathematics
• personal knowledge and understanding of the mathematics involved,
• an ability to apply personal knowledge of mathematics to analyse progression in children’s mathematical learning
• an ability to reflect upon and analyse mathematics teaching and make suggestions for improvement
• to effectively communicate information, arguments and analysis about mathematics education