- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

How Would You Apply Activities In A Class?

Enviado por   •  3 de Septiembre de 2014  •  294 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  272 Visitas

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How would you apply activities in a class?

I think that games help the teacher to create contexts in which we as teacher can use the language. The learners sometimes learn easily with games. Furthermore, the learners need meaningful classes. Games can provide intense and meaningful practice of language, and then they must be regarded as central to a teacher's repertoire.

In the book we have sixteen activities and I chose one and it is instant crossword. It is an interesting activity, which we can apply when we have to introduce vocabulary.

For example, I have to teach the name of animal, countries, object or whatever and the last part of the class each student have to write one word of the new vocabulary .Well, I will work with the name of the animals.

The learners can compete in groups trying to make the grid as big as possible.

How would you apply activities in a class?

I think that games help the teacher to create contexts in which we as teacher can use the language. The learners sometimes learn easily with games. Furthermore, the learners need meaningful classes. Games can provide intense and meaningful practice of language, and then they must be regarded as central to a teacher's repertoire.

In the book we have sixteen activities and I chose one and it is instant crossword. It is an interesting activity, which we can apply when we have to introduce vocabulary.

For example, I have to teach the name of animal, countries, object or whatever and the last part of the class each student have to write one word of the new vocabulary .Well, I will work with the name of the animals.

The learners can compete in groups trying to make the grid as big as possible.


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