- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Indice De Libro De Ingles 1 De Secundaria

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Intro UNIT Classroom Language

Title Pages

Intro Unit introduction 18-19

Saying hello and Goodbye 20-21

Using Classroom Language 22-23

Learning how to spell 24-25

Talking about days and months 26-27

Learning how to use a Dictionary 28-29

My Project 30-31

UNIT 1 Personal Identification

Title Pages

Unit 1 introduction 32-33

Using Numbers 34-35

Talking about nationality 36-37

Asking about occupations 38-39

Introducing friends 40-41

Talking about people 42-43

Asking about people 44-45

Integration 46-47

Self-Evaluation 48

Learn to Learn Vocabulary 49

My Project 50-51

UNIT 2 Actions in Progress

Title Pages

Unit 2 introduction 52-53

Talking about colors and possessions 54-55

Talking about specific clothes 56-57

Asking about what people are wearing 58-59

Asking about current actions 60-61

Identifying people in a crowd 62-63

Talking about famous people 64-65

Asking about what is happening 66-67

Talking about current actions 68-69

Talking about what people are doing 70-71

Integration 72-73

Self-Evaluation 74

Learn to Learn Vocabulary 75

My Project 76-77

UNIT 3 Hobbies, Leisure and sport

Title Pages

Unit 3 introduction 78-79

Talking about sports 80-81

Asking about likes and dislikes 82-83

Talking about people’s activities 84-85

Talking about free time 86-87

Making and accepting suggestions 88-89

Talking about where to eat 90-91

Responding to an invitation 92-93

Refusing an Invitation 94-95

Integration 96-97

Self-Evaluation 98

Learn to Learn Vocabulary 99

My Project 100-101

UNIT 4 Daily life

Title Pages

Unit 4 introduction 102-103

Asking about and telling time 104-105

Talking about school subjects 106-107

Talking about preferences 108-109

Talking about celebrations 110-111

Talking about important dates 112-113

Talking about routines 114-115

Talking about weekend activities 116-117


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