Ingles 8
Enviado por paaujm • 17 de Agosto de 2015 • Trabajo • 286 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 146 Visitas
We have to read page 167 in our books, and write my opinions about the topic, which talks about a three years old child and his worried parents because of his speech.
1. Read homework in Blackboard
2. Look for assignment homework in page 167
3. Think about what I will tell to that family
4. Write my opinions
5. Complete the rubric
6. Check orthography
This child has some troubles on his grammar, and his parents don’t know what things they should do or say because they don’t always have time to correct him, that is why I recommend them to take the kid to a professional in language learning, because he is just a three years old child and need a special attention since this age.
Parents maybe don’t have the time always, but a professional can help and then they can practice with the kid and make a good time.
The child needs to practice and increase his grammar because this is his native language and that will make his life and speech easier.
Parents don’t have that patient to teach children in this kind of things, and this could be a reason of his problem, but not all the children learn as easy and fast as others, and that could be another reason, his language acquisition didn’t develop for a lot of theories that the professional doctor will notice and work on it.
Language acquisition is not easy for everyone, that is why we need to identify things where we have problems and make a change.
This child can talk better with practice and dedication. His parents need to make time to be with him and help with his grammar and be with a professional in this area.