- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  19 de Marzo de 2015  •  Tesis  •  1.883 Palabras (8 Páginas)  •  129 Visitas

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School: Sec. Est.n• 3043 Cycle: 4 Grade: 1st grade Groups: D.


Social Practice of the language: Understand and use information about goods and services.

Date: From: To:

Social environment: Familiar and community Unit: 1 Lesson plan:

Specific Competency:Give and receive information for performing community service

Product 1: Acting-out a dialogue

PRODUCT Stages: Doing with the language Knowing about the language Achievements Time Procedure

(teaching strategies) Assessment Materials

Leveling Basics:

Introduction (classmates, teacher)


-Introduce and greet each other

Permanent activity:

Greet each other, everyday

• Repertoire of words necessary for this social practice of the language.

- Greetings and introduction

- Hello, good morning-

- how are you?. I’m fine, thanks.

- What’s your name?

My name is____

- Good bye, see you soon!

- Introduce, greet classmates

• Predicts the general meaning from words and expressions similar to those of the mother tongue or through non-verbal language. (Use of Cognates, modeling, ilustrations)


Beforehand Preparation:

- Flashcards with vocabulary will be pasted on the wall in order to understand the dialogues ss will perform.

- Disciplinary dialogue already written on the board

1.1. T introduces him/herself to the students and guide them to introduce themselves, too, by following his/her lead.

1.2. T hands out nametags for the students to write their names and wear them. T will wear also his/her nametag.

1.3. T writes a short disciplinary dialogue on the board to facilitate participation and interaction among the students when introducing each other.

1.4. T asks the students to stand up and go around the classroom introducing themselves to the rest of their classmates, following the disciplinary dialogue on the board (changing their personal information).

Leveling Basics:


Give opinions and agree on the classroom rules.

• Repertoire of words necessary for this social practice of the language:

- Classroom rules:


- Take turns, raise hands, keep silence, keep your table clean

- No fighting

- Listen carefully

- Follow instructions

• Predicts the general meaning from words and expressions similar to those of the mother tongue or through non-verbal language. (Use of Cognates, modeling, ilustrations)


Leveling: Establishing rules

Beforehand preparation:

Labeled Flashcards with vocabulary (sentences) regarding classroom rules pasted on the walls.

2.1. Permanent Activity:

T greets their students and asks them to greet each other.

2.2. Establishing rules together: In teams of 4, T guides Ss to make a list of rules created by themselves, giving them some examples.

(Only Ss may speak Spanish, T will be translating their opinions and write them on the board)

2.3. T writes the rules agreed on with the Ss, on the board and asks the students to write them down and create labeled flashcards if necessary.

2.3 T asks students as homework to investigate what a Community service is, and bring pictures, (images/ illustrations) of an example.


Writing Today’s date.

Permanent activity:

Greet, write today’s date, attend classroom rules.

• Repertoire of words necessary for this social practice of the language:

Today is (month, day, year)

- Days

- Ordinal numbers (1st. 31st)

- Months

- Cardinal numbers (year)


- Objective

- Product

- Community service

Vocabulary: (brought by students) Learn the purpose of the unit/social practice of the language/product

• Predicts the general meaning from words and expressions similar to those of the mother tongue.

SESSION 3: Leveling Through the product:

3.1. Permanent Activity:

T writes down the date on the board, in such a way that students participate and learn new vocabulary.

T greets their students and asks them to greet each other and introduce themselves with the activity on P. 12

3.2. T presents Ss the main goal of the unit as well as each achievement to be fulfilled. T shows a sample of the product they will create and explain its academic purpose.

3.3. T asks the Ss to paste their Community Service Illustrations (homework) on the wall, eliciting them to participate and answer simple questions to find what these flashcards have in common, regarding topic, purpose, environment, background noise.

3.4. T pastes the names of the community services at random on the side of the wall, for the students to match them.

3.5. Ss listen a dialogue about community helpers performed between a Teacher and his/her students. Students identify known vocabulary. (Use of colorimetric strategies)

Permanent Assessment: responsibility (homework)

(Attitude scale)

Diagnose Ss’ previous knowledge of English through participation

(Observation guide)


Leveling through the product:

Stage 1

––Choose a classmate to act-out a dialogue about providing services.

• Repertoire of words necessary for this social practice of the language:

- Problems

- Solutions

- Community services • Identifies topic, purpose and intended audience.


Stage 1:

•Elicit from Ss the problems or the community services that need


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