Intrafamily infantile ill-treatment in children of primary school
Enviado por Matias Ezequiel Mendez • 9 de Julio de 2016 • Trabajo • 520 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 160 Visitas
“Intrafamily infantile ill-treatment in children of primary school”
Every day there are six reports of children in the City of Buenos Aires
In 2014 the line 102 received 4.500 calls and half was by physical abuse. Grandparents are the most reported.
We consider child abuse any non-accidental physical or psychological harm on a child, caused by their parents or another person, and that threaten both physical and psychological normal development.
⦁ Physical abuse: Not accidental action that causes physical harm or illness in children. The most common indicators are: Head trauma, morder and poisoning.
⦁ Emotional abuse: Verbal hostility such as insult, ridicule, contempt, etc. The most common indicators are: Rejection, insolation and punishment the child.
⦁ Sexual abuse: Any kind of sexual contact by an adult whit a child. Where the former has a position of power or authority over the child. The most common indicators are: Rape, incest and sexual abuse whithout physical contact.
Country Year last measurement Sample Methodology Main results
Argentina 2000-2001 450 university students Retrospective 55% of respondents admitted
Bolivia 2007 20.000 homes across the country National Demographic and Healt Survey 2003 In 83% of households children are punished by an adult
Chile 2006 1525 children 12 to 17 years Self- manged questionary to the children of this model 733% of the children interviewed had received some type of violence trom their parents (physical and psychological)
Uruguay 2008 Multistage sample of 1 to 100 cases It sinyes the use of phisical and psichologic punishment in side home The 82% of adults interviewed reported some form of psychological violence or prosecutor toward a child in you home
Written by:
-Legendre Florencia
-Fernandez Caren
-Sorrentino Gabriela