- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

La Semana Santa

Enviado por   •  27 de Marzo de 2013  •  699 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  519 Visitas

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The origin of Holy Week begins really as part of Easter Jewish, since Christ was crucified and rose during Passover week Jewish. Los Christians really believe Christ is the Cordero of Pascua from that spoken in Exodus, because He same became the perfect sacrifice, sinless, for sins worldwide. Los Jews who decided follow Christ, then honored this day in the years successive during the Passover time Jewish, but while Christianity stretched by the nations non-Christian, the celebration of Holy Week was combined gradually with "the rites of primavera "pagans. Las modern celebrations are the result of this commitment. Al same time, the Domingo de Resurrection or Domingo de Pascua, is often the only day in that many people attend church and are introduced the "Good News" of Jesus Christ.

Whenthe people celebrate the holy week?

Easter iscelebratedon different dateseach year, becauseit is based onan astronomical event. It’s an event ofone week: from Palm SundaytoSunday’s resurrection.In 2013theHoly Weekare:

•March 24, Palm Sunday

•March 25, Holy Monday

•March 26, Holy Tuesday

•March 27, Holy Wednesday

•March 28, Holy Thursday

•March 29, Holy Friday

•March 30, Holy Saturday(or Glory Saturday)

•March 31, Sunday’s resurrection (or Easter Sunday)

Holy Week isthe annual celebrationwhereChristians commemorate thePassion, Deathand Resurrectionof Jesus. It isa period ofintense activitywithin the variousliturgicalChristian denominations.

Easter iscelebrated on theSunday following thefirst full moonof thespring equinox, falling betweenMarch 22 andApril 25.In 2010, fallson April 4 Thus thefeasts ofeastertofallinthe following years:

year 2011: April 24.

year 2012: april 8.

year 2013: March 31.

year 2014: April 20.

year2015: April 5.


Jesus Christ, whodivides the historyof the modern worldbefore and afterhis coming.It isa celebration thathasreligious originsand is thereforea period ofintense activitywithin the variousliturgicalChristian denominations.Easter is the Christian annual commemoration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Therefore it is a period of intense activity within the various liturgical Christian denominations. Begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday, but his celebration usually starts in several places last Friday (Good Friday) and is considered part of the same on Easter Sunday. The date of the celebration varies (between March and April depending on the year). Easter is preceded by Lent, which ends in the Passion Week where we celebrate the Eucharist on Holy Thursday, commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday and the Resurrection during the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night to Sunday Easter.

During Easter occur numerous samples of popular religion throughout the world, highlighting the processions and passion plays. The holiday cycle that corresponds to Easter


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