- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

La integración de capacidades humanas como pilares de una buena educación

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La integración de capacidades humanas como pilares de una buena educación.

The integration of human capacities as pillars of a good education

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La humanidad ha estado en constante exigencia en cuanto desarrollo tecnológico, para mejorar la sociedad, su manera de estar, vivir y convivir. Para ello las competencias en el mundo contemporáneo han sido de gran énfasis en el tema de globalización, y todos llegan al mismo fin, ayudar a los jóvenes a ampliar su criterio, parara que sepan aprender y manejar situaciones que se enfrenten en ámbitos laborales o sociales.

La UNESCO al establecer que las competencias para la vida son necesarias y esenciales en el mundo en el que  la información y la tecnología se renuevan y existe una constante innovación, Indican que debe haber fundamentos para esa constante renovación de tecnología, basado en las necesidades de los jóvenes, debe ser la base de la educación. Con ello hablamos de cuatro pilares esenciales en las competencias básicas de los estudiantes.

The first one talks about Learning to Know where knowledge is understood and analyzed, the capacity for knowledge is developed and promoted. This pillar is important since not all of us know how to know specific topics with great precision. Learning to know is not only listening and observing, if it is not analyzing, understanding, differentiating, and mentally structuring it for our knowledge. At this point, attention, memory, and thought are developed, to process the amount of information received, synthesize it and then develop a divergent and abstract one with its own criteria.

The second postulate proposes the "Learning to Do" to know how to apply the knowledge acquired in the environment that surrounds it. This means that theory is linked to practice. It is common that we do not know how to follow instructions, according to the given theory, but this is important since these steps are suggested because we already have a schematic plan for said activity. Learning to Do requires manual and intellectual skills to manipulate activities of any kind.

"Learning to live together" is the third postulate that states that relationships in school and society are necessary to progress in the world of technology. To innovate and prosper we must know how to relate to other individuals, based on empathy, understanding, promoting equity, equality, respect and mutual collaboration.

Finally, "Learning to be" refers to the integral growth of the human being. Many of the times we are unable to achieve development due to various situations that the individual goes through, but it is always important to set goals that lead to emotional and intellectual development, putting it on a scale so that self-control is palpable. Learning to know ourselves is a way of intrapersonal affection, where we seek to know ourselves, to know how we act and how we should act in the face of life problems, and to be humble by recognizing the capacities and abilities that one possesses.


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