- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Las reglas de armonización de los procedimientos aduaneros

Enviado por   •  26 de Enero de 2015  •  Informe  •  219 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  173 Visitas



The Andean rules on customs procedures allow harmonization of procedures and formalities required in the entry and exit of goods and means of transport.

The movement of goods without payment of taxes is the guiding principle governing trade relations in the CAN.

The activity of technical standardization is developed in the framework of the Andean Standardization Network (RAN) and aims at harmonization and adoption of Andean Standards in sectors of production and services considered sub regional interest such as food, textile-garment, leather footwear, wood-furniture, automotive, among others.

The Rules of the RAN (Resolution 313) establishes guidelines for operation.


The agreement for the immediate reduction of 92% of goods moving between countries and the gradual tariff liberalization for the remaining 8% is an achievement towards the free movement of goods, services and capital, to strengthen the competitiveness of the block

The free movement of goods is accompanied by legal certainty and clear rules to promote trade in services and investment.

The best opportunities

The Andean community gives us opportunity to easily enter potato export without paying taxes or have restrictions to Colombia because trade facilitation develop, the free flow and full utilization of the Andean enlarged market, keeping updated the List of Goods Produced No (NBNP) and establishing the reference prices of the products that make up the Andean price Band System (PAPS)


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