Learn about the use and meaning of homophones / homonyms
Enviado por botellon31 • 9 de Mayo de 2015 • 393 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 224 Visitas
Learn about the use and meaning of homophones / homonyms.
1. Open blackboard facility and check what is has to be done for this activity.
2. Read about the objectives of the activity.
3. Answer the exercise, writing the meaning of the homophones / homonyms in the cells and their corresponding sentence.
4. Write down a conclusion and final thoughts.
Write a meaning for the following homophones / homonyms. Then, use them in a sentence.
Homonym Meaning Sentence
1 Were: Past form of verb to be We were friends
2 Where Question as to the position, direction or destination of something. Where did you come from?
3 Wear To carry or have on one´s person as clothing, ornament, etc. You have to wear your running shoes to enter the race.
4 Pore Be absorbed in the reading or studying of Gabrielle spent hours poring over cookbooks.
5 Pour Flow rapidly in a steady stream. You have to pour 2 ounces of milk into the mix.
6 Brake Make a moving vehicle slow down or stop by using a brake. I don´t like drivers who brake abruptly.
7 Break Separate as result of a blow, shock or strain. Interrupt. Ok Josh, you seriously need to stop breaking this conversation.
8 Sale Exchange of a commodity for money. Event for the rapid disposal of goods at reduced prices for a period of time. I bought these shoes at a sale; You are not going to believe how much they cost.
9 Sail Action of traveling in a boat. Ian took us out sailing to the lake.
10 Pail Bucket. The amount of filling a pail. Please, can you give me that pail over there?
11 Pale Light in color. Become pale in one´s face from shock of fear. Wooden stake to form a fence. Look how gorgeous these flowers are, but they look a like bit too pale.
12 Sore Extremely or severely. Painful or aching bodily or mentally. It´s a sore to have to deal with this.
13 Soar Fly or arise in the air. The bird spread its wings and soared into the air.
14 Hare To run with speed. Rodent mammal with long ears and long limbs adapted to leaping. Look how he hared of between the trees.
15 Hair Someone’s or something’s hair. Let your hair down, it looks more natural.
The exercise on this activity focuses on the use the homophones and homonyms. These kinds of words can be some of a trouble if they are not identified. The Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation of another, but different meaning, origin or spelling. A homonym, is a word that haves the same spelling of another, but different meaning and origin.