The use of P2P networks
Enviado por mario_mej • 30 de Noviembre de 2014 • 980 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 609 Visitas
Part 1: Identify P2P Networks, File Sharing Protocols, and Applications
Part 2: Research P2P File Sharing Issues
Part 3: Research P2P Copyright Litigations
Background / Scenario
Peer-to-peer (P2P) computing is a powerful technology that has many uses. P2P networks can be used to share and exchange music, movies, software, and other electronic materials.
The use of P2P networks to upload, download, or share copyrighted material, such as movies, music, and software, can violate the rights of copyright owners. In the P2P file-sharing context, infringement may occur, for example, when one person purchases an authorized copy and then uploads it to a P2P network to share with others. Both the individual who makes the file available and those making copies may be found to have infringed the rights of the copyright owners and may be violating copyright law.
Another problem with P2P file sharing is that very little protection is in place to ensure that the files exchanged in these networks are not malicious. P2P networks are an ideal medium for spreading malware (computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, adware, and other malicious programs). In 2010, Cisco reported increases in P2P activity, coupled with recent P2P malware developments, suggesting that P2P file shares are becoming increasingly favored by users and malware attackers alike.
In this lab, you will research available P2P file sharing software and identify some issues that can arise from the use of this technology.
Required Resources
Device with Internet access
Part 1: Identify P2P Networks, File Sharing Protocols, and Applications
In Part 1, you will research P2P networks and identify some popular P2P protocols and applications.
Step 1: Define P2P networking.
a. What is a P2P network?
Es la conexión directa entre 2 equipos si la inferencia de un servidor.
b. What are some advantages that P2P provides over client-server architecture?
Tiene varias ventajas, algunas son que los costos son más bajos ya que no se implementa el servidor además los fallos en un nodo no afectarían a toda la red ya que se encuentran todos los equipos conectados.
c. What are some disadvantages of P2P networks?
Es más difícil de administrar y la seguridad no es tan buena.
Step 2: Identify P2P file sharing protocols and applications.
a. Identify some P2P file sharing protocols used today.
Algunos son Ares, BitTorrent, Direct Connect, Gnutella, MANOLITO/MP2PN, OpenNap, Applejuice, KuGoo.
b. What are some popular P2P file sharing applications available today?
Ares Galaxy, Azureus, BCDC++, BearShare, BitComet, BitSpirit, BitTornado, BitTorrent.Net, DC++
c. What P2P file sharing protocol is attributed to producing the most P2P traffic on the Internet today?
Part 2: Research P2P File Sharing Issues
In Part 2, you will research P2P copyright infringement and identify other issues that can occur with P2P file sharing.
La forma en que se organizan estas redes en torno a los índices y el control y supervisión de éstos son elementos cruciales de cara a exigir responsabilidad a los proveedores del software P2P. La casuística de los sistemas de indexado, desde el nacimiento de la primera versión de Napster en enero de 1999, distingue, básicamente, tres posibilidades:
-Sistema de índices centralizado, en el que los índices de los