Lista De Verbos Mas Preposicion
Enviado por nicolebrittany • 1 de Diciembre de 2012 • 274 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 584 Visitas
absorb in
account for
add to
adjust to
admit to
agree with
apply for
appeal to
argue with
argue about
arrange for
arrive in / at (büyük mekanlarda in ,küçük mekanlarda at)
apologize for
approve of
ask for
accuse smb of smt
arrest smb for smt
base on
beg for
begin with
benefit from
believe in
belong to
boast about
borrow from
blame smb for smt
blame smt on smb
care for / about
cater for
choose between
comment on
collide with
communicate with
compare with / to
compete with
complain about
compose of
concern about / with
concentrate on
confess to
confuse with
congratulate on
consist of
contribute to
cope with
correspond with
count on
cover with
crash into
charge smb with smt (suçlamak)
charge smb for smt (para tahsil etmek)
convict smb of smt
convince smb of smt
cure smb of smt
decide on / against
dedicate to
depend on
despair of
deter from
differ from
disagree with
disapprove of
discuss with
devote to
dream of / about
dress in
drink to
demand smt from smb
derive smt from smt
discourage smb from smt
distinguish smb/smt from/between smb/smt
distract smb from smt
elaborate on
emerge from
escape from
experiment on
excuse smb for smt
exchange smt for smt
exclude smt from smt
expel smb from smt
explain smt to smb
face with
feel like
feel about
fight against/with/for
forget about
forgive someone for something
guess at
get married to
get rid of
get tired of
grumble about
hear of / about
hide from
hope of / for
help smb with smt
hinder smb/smt from smt
impress on
insist on
insure against
interfere with / in
invest in
involve smb/smt in smb/smt
joke about
know about