Local location according to Feng Shui
Enviado por anita1121 • 25 de Mayo de 2015 • Tesis • 868 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 180 Visitas
Local location according to Feng Shui
The first point to consider for a successful business venture is the location.We have all heard of Yin and Yang: Yin force is the force of the dark and decadent, Yang force is the force of light and growth. Undoubtedly, trade should seek exposure to the Yang force to have any chance of success.Transit, movement, natural light exposure, a large and visible income Yang are all characteristics that favor the development of the business. However, we must maintain a certain balance because when Yang force is in excess inevitably begins to transform into Yin (the reverse is also true, which may explain why some cities are more prosperous areas around a cemetery, such as the Recoleta neighborhood in Buenos Aires). When you do not have a location that provides enough power to local lure Yang is possible through movement, color and proper location of the doors.
Orientation to the cardinal points.
The second point is the guidance and this is a very complex issue. Feng shui considers five basic types of energy, called Wu Hsing or the Five Elements. These are Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. South expresses the energy of Fire, East and Southeast energy Wood, West and Northwest Power Metal, North Energy Water and Southwest and Northeast energy of the Earth. These assignments are not arbitrary but are part of a robust correlation forms the theoretical basis of feng shui.
Our local should be directed toward harmonious cardinal point with the activity we wish to develop. For example, a pub, which dispenses liquid is related to the water element. Orient the direction of Fire (South) would be inappropriate, because the energies of the Water and Fire are opposite in nature. A pub is conveniently oriented to the north and west and northwest, as the metal is also related to water. Conversely, a local fast food is related to the fire element and profit oriented South and East or Southeast.
Colors for commercial premises.
The color is another way of being in harmony with the elements and their orientations. A facade facing south benefits from the color of fire, which is red. North correspond blue or black to green East and Southeast. West and Northwest are akin to white and Southwest and Northeast, the yellow or earthy colors. Each of us also has its own energy associated with the five elements and is determined by our birth date. Imagine what happens if our element is Metal and work eight hours a day at a desk or counter facing the energy of fire ... the fire melted the metal and thus end the day ... "fused". (For more details see Feng Shui in the office).
Throughout the period cyclical changes related with the Five Elements are also produced. This explains why a flourishing commerce suddenly stop doing it: the elements were working in their favor complete their cycle and are replaced by others then it is necessary to make changes and adjustments