- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

MII-U1 Actividad 3. Palabras de transición : Transitional words .

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Nombre del alumno: David Judá García Salas

Matricula: A07125882

Nombre del curso: Ingles ll

Nombre de la actividad: Palabras de Transición

Nombre del tutor: Elda Machado

Fecha de entrega: 10|Jun|2016

Instrucciones: Copia en un documento Word los siguientes ejercicios para enviar a tu tutor:

Exercise 1. Application of transitional words.

Completa los enunciados utilizando until, actually, then, now, currently. Puedes buscar las palabras que desconozcas en tu diccionario.

  1. I used to ride my motorcycle when I was 20 years old. _now_ I drive a car.
  2. My mother used to sing when she was in high school. _then_, she formed her own group. They used to be called “The Electrics”.
  3. He used to work for a factory _until_ he found a job in education.
  4. My sister used to have a cat; _then_ she bought a dog.
  5. My brother and his wife used to live in Chicago, _then_ they decided to move to New York.
  6. We used to visit the library very often, but _now_ we get most information over the internet.
  7. As an Irish tradition, brides used to carry a horseshoe for good luck; _now_ the horseshoes are made of porcelain or other materials to preserve this tradition.
  8. My friend Jeff used to own an apartment; _until_ he decided to move to a house.
  9. When she was a teenager, Maria used to take care of her little sister Sarah. _now_, Sarah takes care of Maria’s son, Danny.
  10. Alex used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day; _now_ he I stopped a year ago.

Exercise 2. Composition.

Escribe una breve composición en inglés sobre actividades que solías hacer y que ya no realizas o cosas que solías tener pero que ya no tienes. Utiliza al menos 4 de los adverbios que practicaste en el ejercicio anterior. Escribe 100 palabras como mínimo.

1. I used to go jogging every evening until it comes to school and did not have time because I had to do chores .

2. Currently I am studying the third quarter then it is a little tired because the second term was easier .

3. Before playing every day with my soccer Friends, now we walk on bicycles every day.

4. My sister had a dog named before fluff, now has a cat named bruno .

5. My friend Pablo had a girlfriend named Naidelin, now has no girlfriend .

6. In my garden I planted tomatoes and lettuce, now I want to plant radishes and corn.


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