- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  4 de Mayo de 2014  •  363 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  203 Visitas

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Honorable members of the chair, fellow delegates, sponsors, special guests, good morning.

Today, in representation of the Russian Federation, the delegation would like to state it's position against the concerning topics to be reviewed, providing an appropriate feedback and support needed towards a fair resolution.

The Russian Federation is fully aware of the issue's vast magnitude, and although many would suggest shallow answers such as the plain withdrawal of mercenaries from the countries possessing private military. The delegation believes this goes way beyond this. To give final judgment on the matter, two factors should be carefully and systematically analyzed; the astronomical amount of private companies, as well as the human rights violations. Firstly, Russia declares inappropriate the custom countries, such as the United States of America, handle their trained mercenaries since past, several procedures have included intimidation and harming of innocent civilians. The nation proposes a controlled, trained and reduced in numbers in private military companies to be a reality, such as done in Russia, in which private military workforce percentage is only around 4.7%, contrasting the growing 29% of the American numbers. Additionally, the utilization of mercenaries within the country is of rare use since security is preferably provided by the national army, and considerable investments are centered around educational or political purposes.

On another focus, the delegation sustains itself as a strong supporter of the deployment and transparency throughout the UN resolutions, taking in account Russia, as one of the five world powers, has the possibility to veto any position paper deemed harming or useless to the international security necessities, as done along China, with the “Syrian Sanction Resolution” in the past. Additionally, The Russian Federation as righteous member of the NPT treaty and adherent of the UN charter approves the sanction of countries that do not specifically follow any international treaty protocols, regarding the armament issue, in the future.

To close, The Russian Federation declares it's about time that we, as the Security Council members took in consideration the previous issues with such involvedness; the Russian delegation urges the other delegates present to come up with viable and realistic motions for the resolution of the issues to be a reality.

Thank you.


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