Modular Learning Outcome 1
Enviado por mikeimpala • 20 de Marzo de 2013 • 428 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 881 Visitas
Name: Registration:
Course title:
English VII Teacher’s name:
1. How we relate with others Activity:
Modular Learning Outcome 1
Date: Team:
Bibliography:McFarlin, K. (s.f.) Importance of Relationships in the Workplace. The Houston Chronicle. Retrieved February 18th 2013, from
For this Modular Learning Outcome the objective is to ellaborate a newspaper article with the information provided in the module 1.
For the ellaboration of this report, the next steps were taken:
1. I read the topics of the module 1 of the course.
2. I chose the topic about relationships to ellaborate my article.
3. I searched related information on the web.
4. I redacted the results and then the conclusion.
The importance of developing interpersonal relationships
The importance cannot be denied. It's been proved that people who learn how to develop interpersonal relationships certainly get more success in life than those who don't. This is because effective communication is essential in every relationship.
Interpersonal relationships can be brief, such as when you interact with the cashier at the supermarket, or can be longer, such as the relationship you get with your partner, friends or family.
The development of relationships is fundamental to obtain what you want to achieve in life. Since how you interact with other people, the body language, till the expressions and the tone of your voice are all important and shows that interpersonal relationships involve more than just verbal communication.
There is also the importance of relationships in the workplace because many employees spend a lot of time with co-workers so it is important to build quality relationships at work. This can be done through the organization of meetings away from work, for example. This can bring many benefits to the company or business, such as: improved teamwork, increased productivity, improved employee morale, etc.
For the right development of all of this, is necessary to have or to improve your listening skills. The ability to listen to others is one thing that all succesful communicators have, and it is as well one of the most irrelevant ability for most of the people.
Whether you interact with a co-worker, a stranger who shares your likes or dislikes on your favorite social network, your boss, your wife or your friend, you need to learn to listen, and in this way you will find yourself at the center of several interpersonal relationships that define and give meaning to your life.
So, in conclusion, we live in a society where technology